Translation error [Spanish] - new PoV daily - 3 hard stages

There is an error in the Spanish translation of the descriptive text for the new Path of Valor challenge “Complete Map Stages : Hard”

The English says “Complete 3 hard map stages in any season” (emphasis added).

The Spanish, translated back to English says “Complete 3 hard map stages in each season”

In Spanish it should be “Completa 3 fases de mapa difíciles de cualquier temporada” which would be “whichever season” or “any season”

Just to clarify further, the Spanish suggests that you need to beat 3 hard stages in s1, s2, s3, s4 and s5


Me has ahorrado mucha energia de batalla. Gracias!

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It’s a whole lot harder for the Spanish speakers! Especially since there are no hard levels in Season 1 to do.

Buena suerte!

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention! This has been passed on to the team.


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