Transform ct heroes from slow to medium mana

Yes please. it would be a way to make use of Heroes like Isarnia, Elena, Horghall and others. Since without a costume, he is lagging.


I like your idea. I´m just afraid it will never happen, seeing the overpowered heroes that have been released lately. The focus is on releasing new heroes, not making old ones (that do not bring in cash) relevant, sadly :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I don’t think that will help older heroes nor help SG’s revenue.

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Zynga doesnt care about poor players that rely on season 1 heroes
Zynga has a special market targetting the whales

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I’m assuming “ct” is “training camp” heroes since you’ve listed three Classic heroes for buffing.

I’m not against it, though my only counterargument is that I’ve used my Isarnia here and there. She’s not bad. But that’s not saying much because I’m also using her costume variant. Similarly, after pulling Horghall’s costume in Costume Chamber, I’ve thought about maxing him to use his costume variant.

The average mana speed could justify not changing their skills, or they could adjust the skills to justify a slow mana speed for these heroes. People have also pointed out how Morel, a fast mana hero, essentially does what Isarnia does at a much faster speed and render Isarnia obsolete.


Costumes, talents, troops & a mana booster hero gets you there. Slows are slow because when they go off they can be devastating. Getting them in action through boosts and synergy is the challenge.

Currently running a rainbow attack team of
MN freya justice khagan Xeno…

Do better than you might think

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