I agree that I disagree. :slight_smile:

This isn’t a duplicate per se, it is about something new.

That said, there’s been notable discussion and ideas shared in that thread that can help inform these new interesting ideas.

And @Kerridoc already mentioned the AMA in that thread too.

Merging gives us some benefits that I think are worth taking advantage of:

  • All past contributors to that thread, anyone tracking it, and anyone who has read through it will all be notified that the thread is updated in their Unread list

  • The notable amount of votes on the existing thread give it a starting foundation of support

  • The thread ranking that thread already has based on views, comments, and hearts will make these ideas more visible

Since this isn’t per se a duplicate, I’ll leave it up to the OP —

@mattp169, I’ve laid out why I think a merge would be beneficial for the visibility of your ideas, not because they’re a duplicate, but because they expound upon the idea of new forms of training that the other thread has explored.

Would you like to have your posts be part of the popular and visible thread, or would you like them to remain in this separate thread?

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