[Master] Trading Between Players - Please add your comments & ideas here!

Lol i was still on topic.

Trading heros is bad

Trading unwanted items is pointless. Why would players craft unwanted items? I mean seriously? You’re telling me that players are deliberately crafting items they dont use and now they should pay gems/money to trade those items? Yea oook

You’re right i totally missed the mark. I didnt realize you were talking about players crafting unwanted items then paying to trade them lmao what’s wrong with me

What battle items are unwanted? There are literally 2 battle items in the whole game i dont use, and that’s small heal pots and super antidotes. So guess what i do? I know it’s going to sound crazy, but i simply don’t craft them. Nuts right?

Oops 3 items i dont use. Forgot i dont use miracle scrolls either

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