Trading and Buying

I know there has been alot of discussion about being able to trade hero’s between players etc. I can understand that this could get messy and the like so thought that if give this explanation a go.
If I were to have a team that I’m happy with and end up winning a summontoken that sees me gain a second Vivica why not send it to the new “trading post” barracks that requires a level 10 House to transform and store it in there.
You can still level her up from the hero roster as per normal but that hero you have added into the trading post (max of 5 hero’s allowed) is viewable by other players who also have a trading post.
Another player may want a Vivica so they offer a set amount of gems in exchange for the hero. The amount of gems are set as per the rarity and ascension level of the hero and a transaction is done much like when a player joins an alliance.
This gives the buyer the hero they want and the seller can now purchase more hero’s from either a trading post or go to the summon gate.
I think that the purchase of gems will go up for Small Giant as there will be players looking to pay for gems so that they can trade for exact hero’s rather than taking a roll of the dice.
Would like to know your thoughts on this.

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