Tournament- rush uneven in build up getting worse

I have been noticing over the course of the last 6 months that the tournaments seem to be unfairly balanced in they way the defense and offensive teams are powered up.
I don’t understand how I can go against 4 teams in a row that were 300-500 power points below my team’s power level and lose! This is a rush attack and the defensive powers up at least 5 times faster than the offense. WTF!
Venting because this ridiculous and extraordinarily frustrating.

Statements of fact, can be supported with evidence. Data even.

General statements on the other hand, based on a hunch, is hardly proof that what you’re suggesting is true.

I empathise. Perhaps if you recorded such battles, this would support your belief of unfair and unbalanced tournament battles :thinking:?!! You could also get advice too.

FWIW, a defense TP is no predictor of victory.

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