Tournament Buff buster +20% attack doesn’t work for Attacking team

my Caedmon for example has +120% att.indicator but still hit like normal - near 550 for lvk 20 emblems and with costume

Move to bugs though you need to look at atk stat when buff active. You’ll see a green number above atk stat which is added amount. It doesn’t change the amount of skill % dmg. Long press hero to see stats in battle.

I saw Caedmon +120% and att like +800 stats extra but nothing change. Still hit like uselly.

I have done 7 att.til now and always same bug.

I’m almost sure that in previous such type tournaments was different. Buff always worked for both sides.
But not now.

Best would be take screenshot or video of no buff then atk with buff. Try to catch 5he numbers on the enemies as they get hit. Otherwise I guess it could be happening. I didn’t notice. But still best to move to bugs category .

In special skill, the 120% is not treated as additional attack but additional skill %. Which means Caedmon have 465% damage instead of 345%.

I just finish my 9th att.

Wtf? After load a few buff on opponents boldtusk my difference but when i check opponents stats was like +2800% !!!
They kill my whole team by normal attack nore speciall!

I have screenshot but can’t upload here. Doesnt work

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I have screenshot with +2800% opponents att.stats from nothing! Thats totaly crazy. How add screenshot here because that small picture button below doesnt work

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