Too many purple heroes and so few materials...what to do?

Hi guys!
I need some help with my next purple hero to level up :slight_smile:
At the moment I have all the purple 4* heroes and Sartana. The current state of my purple heroes is the following:

Rigard : 3/60
Sartana 2/60
All others 1/1

I am interested in events and titans…so…should I go on with Rigard or is it better to go with Sartana or Tiburtus? I noticed that this one is often used in event teams.
Moreover, What should I do if I eventually get Merlin?
Thank You in advance for your suggesions :wink:

What/how many ascension materials do you have?

Out of of all the ones you listed Tiburtus would be the first one I would ascend to max level. He’s useful for many things and he will be faster to ascend than a full 5*. You’ll use him a lot.

Tibertus, Rigard and Sabina are all solid. Sartana rocks, but build your 4* base first.

If you need a good healer, Rigard is among the best. If you have another healer, but not Grimm, go with Tibby.

I have grimm, and melendor as healer (at 1/1)

Need 1 compass and 1 trap tools for maxing one purple

If you pull Merlin he should be your top priority.


thank you…I hope to get him :wink:

No. What do you have? You say one compass, which is common to all, and one trap tools. I can imply you have 6 tabards, which means Sartana could be.maxed. Or, it could mean you will have 4 trap tools.

Sartana is a beast, and I wish I had her with the ability to max her. But she will do you as much good as a maxed Tiburtus and maxed Rigard if you are new-ish.

i have two tabbards, 1 damascus blade, 3 trap tools, no compasses.

The wait for the last piece can be long and wearing. Often that piece drops and you begin leveling a 4 only to see a couple 5* mats drop right after which leaves you stuck again.

Plan as if that will happen. My own way of doing this is to raise my 4s to 3^60 and move on until I can max a 5, then I pick a 4* to partner with the 5. Slower. But my resources, including mats, means I can power level.

This would have me getting Sabina, Rigard and Tibs all to 3^60 while accumulating.

Good luck


For events and Titans, I’d probably go with Tibi. Sartana is fantastic in raids, but honestly doesn’t have that high tile dmg for titans, especially if you can’t max her 4-80. Tibi you can use on titans when you don’t want to use grimm, and for challenge events.

If you need another healer, rigard and sabina are both fantastic healers. That being said, if you are targeting titans and challenge events, they healers you really want are healers/buffers like Kiril and Boldtusk.

For titans and raids remember that Rigard cures status ailments. It’s a very rare special ability for a 4. It’ll get rid of special effects from Skittle, Colen, Little John, Hu Tao, and all the defense breakers. You’re going to be seeing those a lot.

I just got the ghost girl and proteus from the atlantis pulls…should I change my purple heroes ascension plan?

(Rigard maybe)

I would put Proteus between Tibertus and Gafar.

I’d put Proteus dead last, assuming you need a healer and don’t have Grimm/Gormek. Also, bump Merlin above Gafar.

Have you used Proteus at full ascension? I have in beta, and I disagree with your view.