Titian killing lessons please

My alliance has lost members. At one point we were attacking 7* titian but now down to 5* as a reliable kills. we are +/- on 6’s. I bring Wu, +20 Wilber and and three hero’s that are strong against the titian with one of them being a healer. I average around 33K/ shot regardless of the titian which usually places me 1 or 2 in the alliance. I’s use a red flag to start and usually nothing less. I feel my job is to bring the heat and the rest to bring the poons. How can I bring more heat?

Drop the healer and Wilbur unless it’s green. Bring healing pots just in case. Use wu and four strong. Use mana pots arrows and bear banners. Elemental debuff if you have it, defense debuff, attack buff, should net some good damage. There’s a ton of threads that will really help with each specific color. You just have to search for them.

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I kinda run mono on titan soo it’s tutrle bear arrows green pot. Maybe axe
Don’t have a buff adder like wu miki tarlak on 8* n hope I get the tiles :wink::+1:

Some good info here:

It’s about heroes you have, selecting them, the order they fire and a few other things. Having a super buffer (Wu, Ranvir, Tarlak, Miki) is generally a good idea