Titan8tors - 15 players - Looking for another alliance to join

Hi everyone!

We are an active alliance of 15 players. We are looking for another alliance with 10-15 active players to join us and explore a higher game.
I have spent my last 24h to search another alliance within the game, but the search function is really poor… I’ve found some interesting ones, and I’ve been welcomed most of the time, despite having no success for a merge.

Here are some more information about us:

  • We come from around the world : US, Europe (England, France, Romania, …) - Everyone is welcomed - We like to learn about others :slight_smile:
  • Same rules as ever : hit Titan when you log in, War optional, but you must use your flags if you opt in
  • Drama free
  • Currently Titan 8*/9*

We also accept players 20+ level and help them grow up. We don’t want to target the Top100, just have fun.

Just pm me if you are interested

Take care and see you soon!



Hey there, soldiers of ra here. We are going through a rough patch . Are you on line

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Hi Stanagde!

We are still here, yes :slight_smile:
I can come and visit you just after this war, if you are ok?
We can start discussing by mp right now also ^^

See you!

Sounds good. Dear lord i need to continue to type so it will send

British bulldogs is mostly a UK alliance but we have people from all around. Very lowkey, just hit titans and use war hits. Just putting that out there lol

Komm zu uns zu der Allianz A K T I V

Hi DrkDiddy!

I see a lots of British bulldogs alliance. Are you a sort of franchise? A part of a bigger alliance?

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Not that I am aware of lol. I am currently leader, and name is Diddy in game

Apologies, British Bulldogs (UK), is the team name

Also be aware, we are a very quiet alliance. Most dont chat that often. We want it to be fun and not another job. Just do the basics. If you opt in war, use your hits. Hit the titan, lol. We do follow a tank color for wars. If were not your cup of tea, that’s ok. Hopefully we can still be friends :blush:

War done. We won :partying_face:.
How do we do this.
I was made leader 6 months ago and not sure of process.
Do we create a new alliance or do your folks join ours etc. . .

Hi everyone!

Merge in progress, thank a lot to Soldiers of Ra!
Thanks to you all for having paid some attention to this post!

See you next!


NB : WE still have 3-4 free places! Feel free to come and join us :grin:

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