"Titan smash" needs up to 10 new players

Our “Titan smash” alliance has a strong core of 17 active players, but we need more swords to kill higher Titans.

Our rules are quite common:

  • Hit titans daily
  • If you opt into Alliance wars, use all 6 flags

We don’t use external chat programs, only in-game chat.

Alliance is open, so just come and see.

If a small alliance with a similar attitude to the game would like to join us, you are very welcome. We have already been through alliance merging once, more than a year ago and it was a good experience.


People, who want regular game play without too much pressure are very welcome.

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One great person has joined us recently, so we need 12 more people to become a fully armed squad. :slight_smile:

We are happy to welcome our new teammate who joined us today. :slight_smile:

11 more places in our alliance remain vacant.

A player that has left our Alliance several months ago came back! :dancing_men: :dancing_women:

Now we need just 10 more players.

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