Titan Hunter Gatherers

Looking for two hunters for some relaxed titan hunting with our international alliance (English speaking).
Currently taking on 7 and 8 :star2: titans and would appreciate some regular hitters.
War is optional.
No line or discord needed as we are active in chat.

Come and have some fun!

Hoping to find one more titan hunter to join our friendly team.

Just had a cull of inactive players and have 3 spots available.

I think i need to jazz this recruitment offer up

… Jazz
Hopefully that’s enough to attract chilled players taking on 7 :star2: titans

Hey there, I think this sounds like the Alliance I’d love to join! I’m a relaxed player who loves to chat (which I’m finding hard in other Alliances) but the main thing I do is hit Titans. Here are my stats:

Level: 27
Team Power: 3335
Cups: 1507
Stronghold: Level 20
Expecting to have a Hunter’s Lodge ready in 2 weeks.

Strongest Titan Defeated: Glacial Mammoth 8*
Titans Defeated: 136
Finishing Titan Strikes: 4
Highest Titan Damage: 25,288

Main Team:
Kingston 5* (3rd tier, Level 33)
Li Xiu 4* (Maxed +2)
Sonya 4* (4th tier, Level 50)
Rigard 4* (4th tier, Level 25
Scarlett 4* (Maxed +3)

Oh and my in game username is also @uncoolistic :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply @uncoolistic !
Just search our name Titan Hunter Gatherers, drop in and see how you like us.

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