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Assuming you’re parsing the text from OCR, can’t you just split it at the last space, and everything after that is the score, and before that is the player name?


I’m sure there would still be some edge cases where a player name contained that character, but I can see where it would make parsing easier.

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My excel is a bit rusty but can’t this be solved with =right(cel;6) function in Excel? This would mean that no member hits over 1 mil on titan or change 6 into 7 if this happens.
I think (out of my mind) that there is a function where you can split the right x amount of symbols into another cell.
Than off course need to reformat from tekst to numeric.

Just a stupid question maybe, but how do you guys collect and import the titan data? Is there a software that I can use for my alliance? It would be really helpful to track who is doing what. Manually, it would take a lot of time so I never got to it. TIA.

We have the same problem with the war data OCR tool that Wolf developed. It’s easy for the OCR to misinterpret a space, but relatively hard to misinterpret a separator.


In short, there’s nothing that I’m aware of that’s semi-automated off-the-shelf and works worth a crap.


I’d love to get access.u I’m not aware of any big repository of player-made resources out there.

If you have Line, my ID is Garanwyn.

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Eh. I’m fine with solder and wires.

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