Titan Apocalypse - spots open. Act fast!

Titan Apocalypse is a New Alliance looking for members. I have been very active since starting a month ago, I was part of an Alliance were only 1/3 of the people were active and the leader seemed to have stopped playing so no one could promote, demote or kick, so more often then not, Titan’s got away.

I decided to form a new Alliance for active Titan Hunters that want to get Titan’s, good loot and work up to getting 4* and 5* Titans!

No Drama, Players looking for fun, Must be Active
If you are not active for 6 days or more and have not stated you will be away, I will kick and open spots for active players, anyone that advises they will be gone for a bit, spots will be held.

I have set 200 Cup/Trophy - Low to start to get some new Members joining.

Hope to see you out there Titan Hunters!



Awesome we got our first 5 Members so far in less then 24 hours!
One and a half Titan’s down, second one is about to bite it.

Plenty more room for Titan Hunters to join!



Ho and greatings friends, I sort of forgot you could recuit through here.
It has been more then I year since I started Titan Apocalypse, we are a rag-tag bunch of folks I rescued from unproductive Allliances, and everyone has made this place their home and we have created a family, a real family, hard to believe I started this thing 416 Days ago.

Since then we have more or less had a full 30 memeber alliance, sometimes people come and go, but I have half a team that has been with me more then 350 Days! Such a great group! we are a top 500 Alliance now, amazing.

So my post here is recuriting, we need to replace a memenber who has moved on (i think quit the game entirely)

I am looking for a seasoned, but still wanting to grow player, who has enough power to handle 9, 10 and 11* Titans. We mostly fight 9s and 10’s we will get on a good tear and get a few 11s, we have yet to get a 12, but we are working towards it.

We are a no drama group, we expect an active player that hits Titan daily and participates in the war, even if they have several week teams, this is all about participation more then stacking up points. We are here to have fun, and participate, not break any point count records. Active in our Alliance Chat is highly encourged but not mandatory (we are a pretty funny bunch though) We have a truely global team, folks from the USA, Malyasia, New Zealand, Austrailia, Europe… we welcome our next recruit - Search ‘Titan Apocalypse’ I have trouphys/cups set at 1800 right now, but that is negotiable, as long as you have enought power to make sure you are not insta-killed by a 9 or 10 star titan, message me here if you want to join but the trouphy level is set to high.

Thank you all!

-WoofWoof (Leader of Titan Apocalypse)

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Bonus. You get to play with meeee. :grin::grin::grin:


Dispite this people, PLEASE join! KAF’s sense of humor is not THAT bad, once you get used to it! I’ll make sure he keeps all his Friar Tucks locked up in the basement!

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Ho and Happy Holidays, our awesome Top 400’s Alliance is open one of our awesome team members decided to retire, so we have 1 Slot open. We also have a LINE group going for our Alliance to swap pics, stratagic videos, and better communication. Join now, come be part of our family! ‘Titan Apocalypse’

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We won another war but had a teammate retire. One spot open, potentially two. Killing 9* and 10*. Scores 5k points on last war. Screen shot below shows a little information. Find me on Line. Same name as here. Come join us.


We have an opening. A long time member is retiring. Screen shots below show what we’re about. Reply here or reach me on Line!

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Happy New Year!

Tired of fighting low level titans? Tired of people not participating in wars? Then make a resolution and come join us.

We typically have an alliance power near 130k and rank in the top 500. Please reach me here or on Line.

Titan apocalypse is looking for one more player. Killing 10*/9* titans. Active in war and getting stronger. Cool relax group. We’re on Line.


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Can I join? Sounds pretty awesome! :roll_eyes::joy:

J/k - I joined this fantastic group about 2 months ago and couldn’t be happier! Feel free to respond here or chat with one of us in Line. We really do have a great diversity of middle and high range players! I hope you will join us!

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Howdy everyone looking for a GREAT and Dynamic Alliance! Your search could be over. Concluding war in 1 Hour 30 Min… We will have two openings, come and bring a friend. We can be reached on LINE, and LINE is highly preferred, as we find it a fantastic tool to keep in touch and share best pratices and tips…

We are a friendly, stategy focused team, and looking for 2 seasoned and still wanting to grow players, come join us, and scroll up to see some screen shots of our war and titan battles.

Hey, had fun this war. Thanks for the banter.

Ah, you found our “staff” entertaining? As well as our :palm_tree:? Little do you know the hidden meaning behind the :palm_tree: and I’m not telling.

We had a war member down - broken phone. Regardless of not having those 6 hits, y’all beat us. Good match. We will seek you out in raids. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

By the way, what’s up with all the Kelile avatars? Made me think I was seeing doubles. I’m too old for this :poop:!

You tell us about the Palms
And we’ll tell you about the Kelile

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@Danityjo, Thanks for the war banter Vikings! Y’all did an amazing job! Would be great if all alliances were either discord or Line instead of split. I’m sure war chats are quite entertaining. :joy:

We have a rare opening, One spot for someone who is a seasoned but still growing player.
Come see why we have been an Alliance and Family for 660 Days and counting.
Message me here or no line: woofbarkwoof or littleKAF

That pictures old. We’re fighting 10* and 11* titans.

We have a rare spot opening, in a fantastic Alliance.

We are 786 days now, but this 2 year poster from a few months ago is cool and speaks to the longevity of our awesome members.

You can reach me by replying or better to Line message me: woofbarkwoof, or my co-leader: littleKAF (who also happens to be a moderator here on the forums)

  • 2000 cups entry (negotiabe for right person)
  • Fun & Socially Competitive
  • Established alliance with Accomplished players
  • Yet still warm, funny & welcoming, a truly awesome group of people!
  • :100: % Participation in Titan hitting & Wars (We don’t just claim it, we actually do it!)
  • 10* sometimes, mostly 11* and occational 12* Titans
  • Line a must (as a bonus we have an very extensive resource library on our Line Folders All the info you need to improve your game play in one spot!)

I have reviewed this post and approve it :relaxed:. Please
reach out if you’re looking for a new place to play!