[Tip] One trick titans absolutely hate or Harpoon vs. titan vs. STUNNED titan or Hidden information about harpoons

[Tip] One trick titans absolutely hate or Harpoon vs. titan vs. STUNNED titan or Hidden information about harpoons

Harpoon has a very long description, so part of it is hidden.

Harpoon versus a titan ( STUNNED ):
Damage to target = 750 ( colorless)
Attack -25% and Defense -30% for 6 turns.
Drops Titan parts of Harpoon Tier 1 requirements is met.

Harpoon versus a titan ( not stunned ):
Damage to target = 750 ( colorless)
Attack -20% for 6 turns.
Drops Titan parts of Harpoon Tier 1 requirements is met.

Harpoon versus an enemy:
Damage to target = 750 ( colorless)
Attack -20% for 6 turns.


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I use harpoons only when titan is stunned from my first crafted harpoon. Three difference between effect on stunned vs. not stunned titan is explicitly and clearly provided in the harpoon description.

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Has anyone tried harpoons vs a stunned Ursena final season 2 boss? Does it do the extra defense reduction?

Self Reply: YES. Ursena final form is treated exactly as a titan. when she is stunned, harpoons do -30% Defense and -25% attack for 6 TURNS. Huge advantage!


Thanks for the information and looking forward to getting there!

Thanks for sharing guys! I completely missed that info until now