Time to change up my defence team - advice please

Hi all, its been a while since I asked for advice. I have been busy building 6 war teams!
I have been using the same defence team for ages, which keeps me in Platinum, and then raiding into Diamond. This has been these folk - all maxed:

Kiril (+7) - Marjana - Khiona - Leonidas - Mekendor (+7)

I now have developed the roster shown here which is the basis for my war teams (Bane fills in for Team 6 Yellow!)

So, how best to build a better defence team out of that lot? One that would keep me in Diamond longer.
I have shown all 5* I have and all ascended 4*
Assume I have all the other regular 4*, but at 1/1
Assume I have mats to take everyone shown their to the max - now or soon.

Thanks everyone in advance for your advice


When you max another red 5* try Marj-Isa-second red for middle, setup like this keep my over 2500 easy nice roster.

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Thanks @Radar1 . No healers eh! A bit out of my comfort zone :slight_smile:

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Still looking for some advice here if anyone is around.
Need to figure a strong defence team from the roster in the original post to take me to next level.

I m stressing as so far I have only used emblems on 4*'s and I don’t want to move them to a 5* until I convince myself that that 5* will be in my defence for a long time ahead.


I would go with this setup. I use this which is simlar. Magni, Zeline, Mitsuko, Khiona, Joon and it keeps me in Diamond at all times. I would do the following:

Isarnia, Evelyn, Marjana, Khiona, Vivica should keep you in diamond (maxed out 5* team).

If you went Evelyn, Alasie, Mitsuko, Khiona, Vivica I am sure that would hold you. IMO Mitsuko is underrated, and one of the better reds. Not only is she a great tank and flank… she is a beast on offense. I get alot of use out of her.

If they were all maxed I would go with this:

Evelyn, Khiona, Aegir, Mitsuko, (Yellow Sniper, unfortunately ull have to use Leo until then)


Thanks so much for your thoughtful response @poopcorn
Plenty for me to think about
I always thought Evelyn was better when paired with another Green hero, and not so good in a rainbow team?
I will start on Alasie and get her to 3/70 - and then decide whether she or Aegir should get the scopes.
And will start on Mitsy too to 3/70 - and then decide whether she or Zim gets the rings

Thanks again