The time has come to refigure my priorities on training once again. Atlantis was oddly kind (two summons managed to pull Thoth, Onatel, and Ameonna) and TC20 has actually decided to balance out for me – somewhat. However, I’m not entirely sure where to go next or who to prioritize – both for training and talents. So it’s time to ask again: where do I go from here?
Grimm 4/70 +2
Kiril 4/70
Triton 4/70
Boril 4/70
Sonya 2/43
12 scopes
10 capes
So there’s really not much I can do here other than finish off Sonya. If I don’t manage to draw something worth training before she’s done, is Gato worth a shot? I know Valen gets some love.
Lianna 4/37
Buddy 4/70
Kashhrek 4/70
Hansel 4/70
Caedmon 4/70
Melendor 4/70
Skittleskull 3/25
Horghall 1/1
Little John 1/1
Friar Tuck
0 tonics
11 shields
Obviously I’m finishing Lianna. She’s already my new favorite toy.
Horghall, as I understand it, is trash. I’m not a huge fan of Skittles, but I’m also awfully short sorcerers. Little John is great, but I’m pretty set on Barbarians and my green field is already pretty deep. Of those three options, which do I bother with? I’m leaning towards Skittleskull just for class coverage but I could be convinced that he’s bad enough to pass over.
Proteus 4/70 +2
Rigard 4/70
Cyprian 4/70
Tibertus 4/63
Sartana 1/19
Thoth-Amun 1/1
Proteus 1/1
Ameonna 1/1
Sabina 1/1
11 Tabards
22 Trap tools
I’m making myself finish Tibertus, but then I get a ridiculous set of options. Yes, I want to level another Proteus, and sure, Sabina gives me that sorcerer I’m short on, but the answer here has to be Sartana, right? Thoth doesn’t seem to have any fans and I certainly have the mats to justify pushing Sartana at this point. Is there any other way to look at this choice?
Azlar 4/26
Boldtusk 4/70
Falcon 4/70
Colen 4/70
Khagan 2/60
Lancelot 3/60
Gormek 3/28
Elena 1/12
Scarlett 2/1
Sumitomo 1/1
Boldtusk 1/1 (4 of these)
2 rings
1 blade
Obviously I’m limited by blades, but I’m sure they’ll come. Once I finish Azlar, where do I go? Scarlett is appealing since I’m short on rogues. Neither Elena nor Khagan really spark joy (and I look for them to raid against, which is never a good sign in my book). Is Sumitomo worth the effort? Keep pushing Gormek? I’m kind of at a loss here.
Vivica 4/80
Gretel 4/70
Hu Tao 4/70
Wu Kong 4/64
Chao 3/60
Danzaburo 3/39
Onatel 1/1
Leonidas 1/1
Jackal 1/1 (2 of these)
Li Xiu 1/1
3 darts
12 orbs
The way I see it, I have to pick a 4* to level while I gather more darts, and then I get to level another 5*. The question is which of each.
The only thing Li Xiu has going for her is that she’s a monk, and I’m thin there. Danzaburo is started and has an interesting mechanic, but I’m just not sure I trust him. He is a rogue though, and I do need more of those. However… so is Jackal, and he seems incredibly solid. Jackal is likely my best option?
For 5* I pretty much have to go Onatel, right? Leonidas is interesting but not great. My only real reluctance is that Onatel is yet another wizard – I have a ton of those already – and Leo fills that monk spot.
Anyone want to argue for something other than Jackal/Onatel? Maybe I’m better off taking Onatel to 3/60 then doing Jackal?
Miscellaneous thoughts
I think I’m sticking to the notion that spending emblems on 4* heroes is more effective than 5* for now – hence Grimm and Proteus getting some love. I’m happy with those two choices since I use both quite a bit. However…
Grimm is probably one of the best 4* out there. I almost went with Gretel but at the end of the day Grimm is just really, really good. I’m pretty comfortable here.
Rigard seems like an obvious choice. If my Proteus were to miss against a Rigard due to the mana effect ignore thing I’d be sunk sometimes. Still, Hansel is pretty solid overall and will only get better with a little additional investment. Which one gets your emblems and why?
Caedmon or Melendor? Why?
Boldtusk, right? It seems like he’s a pretty solid consensus around here. Colen is fun and all, but Boldtusk is just better overall. Unless Sumitomo is way better than I’m giving him credit for, this has to go to Boldtusk.
My monks all suck. I mean, Wu is great, but is he great enough to get emblems when I know I’ll eventually pull a Wilbur?
Falcon is my immediate thought here but honestly I’m not sure. Cyprian is ready to go, Sonya is on her way. Or I could save them?
This is the one place I’m highly tempted to save up for a 5*. Lianna with a bypass seems downright evil. Having said that, Buddy is a real contender. Thoughts either way, or should I be considering Triton more seriously?
Ugh. My Rogues are barely leveled. Jackal seems like the right choice, he’s just a long way from being able to benefit.
Just as bad here. Skittleskull is the closest I have to a competent sorcerer and it’s Skittleskull. I probably just save these for now, right?
There are too damn many good wizards, but since Proteus gets more play than any other hero, he gets the investment. Talk me out of it?
- Skittleskull, Horghall, or Little John?
- Lancelot, Sumitomo, Elena, or Khagan?
- Onatel or Leonidas, before or after Li Xiu, Jackal, or Danzaburo?
- Sartana or Thoth-Amun?
- Why don’t I have any good monks, rogues, or sorcerers?