TILES: Attack damage inflicted from tiles

The full answer is here: Damage Calculation

Short answer: yes, the damage done by a tile depends on several factors:

  • the hero(es) behind it. If you have only one hero of each color, then the attack stat of that hero is key. If you have two or more of a color, the damage is calaculated for each and added.
  • the troops under he hero. These bump up the attack stat of he hero. The gains can be substantial, and substantially different across troops.
  • attack buffs/debuffs active on the hero
  • defense buffs/debuffs on the target(s)
  • color relationships. Strong/neutral/weak, based on the color wheel shown in game. Wilbur’s tiles falling on a green hero,will do a lot more damage than Proteus on the same green hero. On a yellow hero, that relationship flips.
  • crit chance. Some troops give a chance of a crit, which does double damage (neutral to color).
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