Tile drops

Just a reach out to all E&P players on tile drops. I’d like to see what the stats on feedback look like. Let’s hear your feedback

Anytime I clear tiles, I get new ones. 100% here!

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Well your not wrong about getting tiles, but whether you get the right colors can be suspicious at times. Example, your running a full mono raid and you loose so you switch it up and the next battle is the color you needed the raid before. Trust me I’ve been doing this for a longtime and I’ve seen trends that seem to screw you more than help you.
Thanks for your feedback Dan.

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Hey, I’ve compiled all my data into this very slim easy to read 3400 post topic which I was able to rediscover after a quick search.


Thanks for the reply. I’m glad someone else is seeing this as well, and sounds like lots of us are seeing it. There are 5 colors and if it was equally dropped in each board it would be more fun to figure out the combination possibilities I think.

Please use existing threads on the topic of Tile Randomness or otherwise.