Thoughts on this combo?

I was wondering whats people’s thoughts on the following combo. Hansel, Drake Fong, Victor, Inari, and Khiona as a defense team? My thinking behind this is… that people would hesitate to even attack. Hansel disrupts your ability to fire specials, Drake Fong Blinds you making specials less effective. Victor pretty much buffs everyone and eats your heals. Inari turns your specials into mana and damage. Khiona is just a sniper. Personally think that make a pretty nasty lineup but want others thoughts.

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Hansel is perhaps a little too brittle for defense.
Also, it’s sad to loose 33% of Khiona’s ability. Perhaps a Inari-Khiona-Drake-Victor-Someone line-up would be more impacting. Although I’m not a great fan of average speed on the wing, Inari and her 800+ attack could certainly benefit from more protection and Khiona’s boost.

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