Thoughts on C. Obakan and C. Thorne?

I’d be curious to know if you think these heroes are any good?

There’s no specific topic on them (like there are for other non-vanilla costumes) but I pulled them during this Costume Summon and have been trying to find more info on their usability in today’s meta.

I read a few random topics on C. Obakan and people said that he was generally pretty good (but inferior to other fast AoE hitters such as Frigg, Morel and Odin of course), but then a few of my alliance members pulled him and said he seems bad and worse than the OG version.

As for C. Thorne, I think I can tell he seems like a decent average speed sniper. I don’t see much benefit of his +24% mana generation to himself and wish it was another effect instead, but he’s bulky and his art looks amazing. I might ascend him as I have a plethora of Paladin emblems.

P.S. Has anyone else been struggling to pull C. Rigard? I seem to pull so many duplicates of other 4* from the hundreds of summons I’ve done in the last 6 months but I still can’t get him :joy:

I have C Obakan and I am also wondering if he is worth of mat. My purple team is decent( Bera, freya, G panther, dark lord, seshat) I think C Obakan could have a good synergy with G panther. Should I level him up?

Both are pretty decent IMO. Not great, but not bad. Middle of the road.

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C. Obakan is in same league as all the Morel, Friggs and Odin, albeit just a tad lower.
He is a great flank choice for a healing tank position, beacuse now that tank also gets counter attacks.

Would love to have him.

Im not fan of C. Thorne as much. He has undispellable mana reg, which means he cant get mana debuff which can turn out as suprising addition. But in todays meta, where Dark Lord has higher sniper dmg being fast speed and doing additional ailments, C. Thorne falls quickly to being average.
On other hand, you can get much more use out of Thorne with costume bonus going All ATTACK talents. His 490% and minor splash is highest in game and C. Bonus nicely increases stats to make him on par with todays stats.

On offense you use him with Glende (elemental def down vs 3) and then his 490% splash comes… and the path is clear now, no more bandits standing in your way :slight_smile:


Obakan was my first 5* hero, so I maxed him. Last year he got a buff, and is quite decent. Now I pulled the costume and its a no brainer to ascend the costume for a fully ascended and emblemed hero!
His biggest advantagd is speed, second riposte, many opponents suicided on him. Part of every S1 costume bonus is a 5% mana bonus. With this bonus you can fire him after 7 tiles without the mana node in talents using a lvl. 17 mana troop, or with the 2% talent node a lvl. 11 mana troop is sufficient. In VF wars a lvl.5 troop is ok to fire him after 6 tiles. That can be the difference between victory and defeat.
Nice abot the costume is riposte for all but a little bit weak, and its rogue. Rogues can evade direct damage from specials and have their mana node at position eight on the talent tree. So if you bring him to talent node 8 and have a lvl.11 mana troop the costumed version fires after 7 tiles.
IMO there are not too many good barbarians, most of them 4*, so you have a chance of embleming him.
Same goes with thorne, with full costume bonus and a lvl. 11 mana troop and emblemed to node 19, he will fire in 9 tiles, making him effectively fast ( I know fast fires in 8, but most times you need 3 matches with 9 tiles anyway to get the 8 tiles).

So if you have the mats, there are worse options to spend them on.

Happy gaming


Fully second this opinion, although I would use Dorn still in his original form to have the hit 3 (which can cause serious damage btw)

Obakan was as well my first 5 star in purple, so I maxed him… with costume on he is a solid tank for those who don’t have better options, despite the counter attack could be slightly higher at maybe 100% or so… but at least fast and rogue…

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I have both in costume and with emblems and both are decent and useful. More so depending on who you pair them with.
As an example Costume Obakan and Krampus work really well together.
And pair Costume Thorne with a defence down hero and his hit really does count.
Personally I think both are worth the mats
Good luck

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Thanks all for the input, that’s super useful! I guess with C. Thorne I just have to figure out if the costumed or OG version is better as seems like there’s a mixed opinion about that. I guess I do see the advantage of the hit 3, but the costume has a higher damage % and higher attack stats so would definitely work better as a sniper.

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Thorne wont be on your defense in any case, I am almost sure of that.

So if you are looking from a perspective of offensive raids or challenges, Thorne with costume bonus have synergies with so many, when a bit beefier sniper who does nothing else at average speed doesnt bring anything to the table what normal fast sniper already does.


Exactly, CKiril + Frida + Thorne CB = lights out for at least 2 or maybe all 3 heroes :slight_smile: