Thoughts/Inputs on the NEW UPDATE reflecting HEROS/TROOPS

I still say some form of notification (which may need to be tweaked) is necessary for new players. :wink:

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Please get rid of this.

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Why so? We all figured it out :).

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it’s too annoying! there is no need to notify of the received heroes


I like the update as i can see how many lower heros i have without going in inventory. I know how many is needed for the hero im working on. One future update i beleive is overdue is the ability to click a player’s profile and be able to see their stats. Really what’s the point of having stats if nobody else can see them. Thanks. Still love playing the game. I have no complaints. (Rarity on the forums)

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It’s much better to know at every moment how many free (not in favorites and not in use) heroes (grouped by color) I already have