This is your roster, how do you deal with it?

I’m lost with my roster and game development.
I’ve been playing for a year and I’m looking for a new impulse.

Let’s see this as a brainstorming.
I’m curious about what would you do considering these 2 questions :

  1. Who would you develop ? What for ?
  2. What’s you defence setup ?

This is your roster :


These are your mats :


In my honest opinion, I would finish off what you started with:
Proteus, Boril, Little John, Azlar, Colen, Kelile, Sabina, Miki and Elkenan.
I would develop:
Sartana, Vivica, Sonya, Grimm
I would put on hold:
Quintus, Horghall, Khagan
Good luck …

Let’s go…

I’d finish Proteus for challenges etc., I like him very much. Because I already have Rigard and Sabina maxed, I’d start with Sartana and will see if I can get Rigard’s costume, otherwise I’d max the second Sabina, I like to have at least 2 healers for each war team. Maybe I’d feed Renfeld :smiley:

I would level Vivica or another Li Xiu and then 2 times her costume. Melia would be a nice addition in between for challenge events, she and Brienne make the others hit so much harder.

Not so easy, I think Magni would be a good choice for a 5*. I have 3 maxed Kirils and the next thing I do is Sonya’s costume and a second Sonya with costume. But you don’t have her costume…
Maybe I’d max a Boril, he can be helpful in some situations. And I’d put Grimm in the line to level. Maybe Gunnar’s costume and a second with costume when the mats are running out…more Gatos can also be good for events.

Uhh. Elkanen, Brienne’s costume, second Mnesseus, Little John, I think. Or hoping to get a better green 5* and work on Melendor 2 in hope of getting his costume someday. I’d feed the 2nd Muggy, I see no use…

Azlar, Kelile, maybe 2nd Hawkmoon costume and Colen. I won’t max Khagan or Sumitomo…

You’d have a nice 3-2 stack in purple and blue with Kiril, Rigard, Grimm (when he’s maxed), Proteus, Triton or Sonya and the other way round with Sabina, a second Kiril, Tiburtus, Triton/Sonya and Jabbar or later Sartana.

In other colors it’s not so easy for me to decide. And you asked for def. I like one healer and some fast snipers. So I’d go with Li Xiu as tank and:

Caedmon/(Elkanen(?) - Kiril - Li Xiu (with emblems) - Sartana (once maxed)/Proteus(?) - Scarlett

or for the moment
Kiril - Tiburtus - Li Xiu - Caedmon - Scarlett

Or with Melendor:
Melendor - Tiburtus - Li Xiu - Sonya - Scarlett
Or with no healer at all and use Caedmon instead.

When a Boril is maxed, you can also use him as tank and Li Xiu as flank then.


Purple: You are very strong here. Finish Sartana and give the emblems to Proteus not Kiril.

Yellow is a weak color: Max Melia and then take Vivica to 3/70.

Blue ist strong again: You have to decide what you want:

Titans max Miki.

Everything else max Magni.

If you want to get some depth before taking Magni to 4th ascencion max a Gato, then Grimm, then Magmi.

I probabely would take Magni to 3/70, max a Gato and the ascend Magni.

Green: Weak 5*'s: Finish Little John, max Skittles and costume, max second melendor, see what comes along. :smile:

Red:Unfortunately no Boldtusk but lots of hidden blades.
Finish Kelile, if no Boldi or Marjana comes along finish Azlar or Khagan. I would prefer Azlar.

All in all you have the 2 most important 4* Atlantis heros plus Magni, Vivica plus Sartana.

A very god roster to build on.

Good luck.

P.S. If you go Elkanen on green be prepred to spend lots of emblems on the attck path on him! :smile:


People above have given some solid advice on where to focus specificaly. Just ging to drop this as a general piece of advice, both to the OP & to anyone who searches this thread in the future:


To keep you in touch. I’ve decided :

PURPLE : Finish Proteus (+ emblems) > Develop Sartana to 3/70 > Develop Cyprian (NEW !!) to 3/60 > Finish Sartana

YELLOW : Develop Melia > Develop Vivica to 3/70 > Develop Li Xiu Costume

BLUE : Develop Magni to 3/70 > Develop Gato2 > Finish Boril > Finish Magni

GREEN : Develop Horghall to 2/60 > Finish Little John > Develop Brienne Costume > Finish Skittleskull

RED : Finish Kelile > Cross my fingers for Boldtusk > Finish Azlar

Thanks for your insights :wink:

If I can get some help to :

  1. Set my defense. Is there a way to improve it ?
  2. Clean my roster. Which 4* should I keep / eat ?
  3. Decide who will get my barbarian emblems. Azlar or Miki ?
  4. Order my purple leveling plan
  5. Order my green leveling plan

I’ve uploaded my profile on

This is my defense up to date :
