This game's entire PVP has become a "Guess the Starting Board" contest and it's NOT OKAY

I welcome you to look up the color stacking fairness project where it was proven the boards are random.
Besides, if it WERE rigged for literally everyone to lose, where’s the profit?

In the meantime, it’s not really the tank killing you, it’s the 4 fast/very fast heroes that accompany her every time, putting you on a strict timer.

Telly would be 100% fine if she was surrounded by slow/average heroes, but that never happens in top tier play.


People who disagree with you are not automatically “fanboys”, just as you are not automatically a “conspiracy theorist” for your ideas.

Both (and more) coexist here. :slight_smile:


Now this game only for those who have Telluria

Believe, I do have her, and this game is still not quite for me at the moment.

If defense is 100% of the game, you are correct.

It’s about a whole game and not concrete about you or me. There was always a problem with the board at start. It became apparent just after March

Wars, Raids, Tournaments. All except events.

Absolutely agree. Rng does not exist in this game.

Here is a new great idea for SG. It will give your technical folk some rest from creating increasingly cabalistic hero’s special AND generate income:
Start heroes whose special are board related!
Example, a red sniper’s special would be: generate 6 red tiles for 3 turns. Wu would have a 30% chance of blocking 3 match. Evelyn would get 2 green tiles for target and adjacent heroes, and so forth. Guess you forum members can suggest even more of those

I think it would be quite fun if heroes had few tiers of abilities - one would charge at very fast mana, other at average and yet another at very slow.

On offense you get to choose which one you want to fire at which point. Fire now with weak effect, or wait couple turns hoping there’s going to be enough tiles to let you charge for stronger effect.

On defense you just set your heroes to fire at certain tiers all the time (given how little control over defense you already have).

Still the above would probably require toning down overall heroes power a bit as we now suffer from inability to cast any specials (because defenses are too powerful), rather than from lack of good specials to let us counter things.

I also described few ideas in my Restore Fun in Raiding - ideas and discussion

This tournament was horrible, at least for me. in 4 out of 5 attacks today i had a lot of red tiles and green. The tank was, you guessed, green which always got fed and buffed the who team while destroying mine. Usually i would spend gems to continue, but now I am actually happy that I won’t have to do that.