ThinBluLine-BattleBorn Recruiting 19/30 --See Inside for Scores--

Clan Name: ThinBluLine-BattleBorn

Language: English

Required Trophies: 800

Trophy Score: 34,417

Titan Score: 36,920

Members: 19/30

Communication: Line App (Required)

What We’re Looking For: Looking for active players of all types. We’re an active guild. We crush titans and do pretty well in war also. If you’re looking for a good group of folks and a place to call home, this is your stop.

First Responder Friendly: And maybe just remind a few, if ill of us they speak, we are all that stands between the monsters and the weak.

To join, just type ThinBluLine in the in-game alliance search. We’ll be the only clan that pops up. If you don’t have the required trophies, just keep farming. You’ll get there. See you in game!

@Gamercop Not looking for a new alliance but wanted to wish you luck in recruiting! We have a very similar alliance with a fabulous mix of active duty and ex military, police, fire and medics. I couldn’t ask for a better group as they’re disciplined and don’t like to lose :rofl:

I’m proud to say I’m a ‘newly minted’ cops wife myself. Hubby just joined the local force and I couldn’t be more proud of him :blush:

Good luck and perhaps we’ll meet on the battle field one day!

LadySuzanne co-leader of We Don’t Kneel