There is no confirmation to spend gems

Both of you. Let it go. Thanks. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m pretty sure that there is a “confirmation screen”. I never used the “75 Gems Option”, but I skip the waiting time for a new monster chest. And every time I do that, the system asks me, if I’m sure, while showing me my balance.

This could be seen as a confirmation…

To my chagrin I used the 75 gem resume in the final battle of last event and honestly can’t remember if it prompted for ‘are you sure?’ I don’t think it did, but can’t remember.
One assumes not otherwise I’m reasonably sure it wouldn’t have been raised?

Anyone willing to risk 75 gems to check? :wink:

Point taken. Withdrawn last post.

(Responding after a night of drinks is normally not advised)

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Hello everyone, never thought it would affect me but I just got “robbed” because of my own disattention. So I can confirm, there is no confirmation button when the option of using gems came up, so while I was sliding I also pushed the use 75 gems button, therefore “I kinda risked my gems”.

I know it was my mistake though it came out really fast therefore I was wondering if there is somewhere to report it. I frankly don’t expect getting them back, although it’s a bit frustrating being a “non shopper” and hoping to gather gems on my own.

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As with all game errors, you can report here:

There is also a button in-game for Share An Idea with Support (which evidently would be a really good idea at this point).

As I said in my original post, this happened in the new event quests: Guardians of Teltoc. I’m not sure about the option at the end of a regular defeat. I am sure that has an option, and even if it doesn’t, pressing that would be a conscious decision as it is way out of the center of the screen.

I know, It is there. In my case it wasn’t disattention as you put it. The screen just showed up in the middle of tapping, no confirmation, and bam, “robbed”.

The difference between the old system while fighting and the new event quests is that the fights in the temple were on a timer therefore I think they wanted to speed up things not to waste time and points. Though I too feel “robbed” a bit ( bit bit more ) cause it simply came up and i wasn’t expectint it, so inevitably I pushed it. Either way I don’t know what can be done for what we already experienced cause i don’t think there is a refund, but at least tfor the future events and also as a feature it could be done.

Please suggest the change where I indicated in my post (see pic); if something bad happens in-game and you want to change it, suggesting change is the first step. :wink:

I mostly was looking to raise awareness to both players and devs, wouldn’t mind a refund tho. Your explanation does make sense, tho I stopped playing that feature of the game. Still having fun as there s plenty to do here.

Hi, thank you everyone for the feedback on this! We have now added a confirmation dialog for continuing the Challenge Event battles with gems. This will be in place for the next Challenge Event.