There are 54 possible Raid Tournaments so why do we only get 32 to play?

found a list of the combinations not currently available:

as to WHY, I don’t know. maybe someone with more encyclopedic knowledge and/or stats skills can attempt to see if there’s a pattern based on the elements (like, I don’t know, maybe there isn’t a no-Yellow 4* Bloody Battle format because Lady W (and Gullinbursti, sort of) is the only 4* Yellow healer? doesn’t make sense for Green though, because we have Mel and Kash. so yeah, can’t think of a pattern.

well, maybe the 3* Bloody Battles don’t exclude Blue / Yellow / Purple because there aren’t any 3* healers in those colors (and we have no-Red and no-Green because of Hawkmoon and Belith…)