We are looking for new and experienced members to help make The Wu-Kong Klan nothing to 4uck with. Have space for 10 players, we are currently taking 6* star Titans and need extra members to get the 7*'s and above.
Fun and chatty alliance with good leaders and advice.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today. Wu-Kong not necessary to join
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We currently have a solid foundation, can easily take down 6* titans with 5 hours remaining, but we hit a wall with the 7*'s. We need to fortify our ranks to take down stronger titans.
We have good war communication and use all flags.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today!
There are still spots available to join our ranks.
The Wu-Kong Klan is currently mildly f’ed with, we need your help to make it nuttin to f wit again.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today.
The Wu-Kong Klan is recruiting new and experience members to join our alliance. Currently facing 6* titans, and crushing them, like the cat in the below meme crushed his interview.
But we need you help to continue to grow to 7* s and above, because we hit a wall against the 7* s currently, like the poor guy in the below.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today. Spots still available!
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today.
Slots still available! Come join the fun and grow with a fun alliance!
No trophy requirement on new players. So if your a new player looking to join and alliance this is your spot, we are looking for active players who are looking to grow their team individually and help contribute to an alliance.
We have 11 spots open, so tell your friends.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today.
We need your help to continue to grow this great alliance! We are stuck and need new and experienced members to help keep our alliance growing!
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today!
Happy Independence Day!! Thank you to any past or active duty service men and women for your sacrifice.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today!
Obligatory post to stay relevant.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today!
Looking for new and experienced members to join our alliance.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today.
Obligatory post to stay relevant.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today!
Obligatory post to stay relevant.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today!
Looking for new and experienced members to join our alliance.
Look up “The Wu-Kong Klan” in your alliance search and join today.
Looking again! 19 members. Taking 8* titans - even took an 8* rare recently!
Great group of helpful, daily players. Stop by for a visit.