We are a worldwide, all english speaking and all active looking for over 1600 trophies, 30 plus in level with at least 3000 power team to add you to our game family. We are 110 k alliance and consistanty kill 8 to 9 star titans and have gotten rare titans and killed them all. We run a discord site for long conversations on strategy, life and alliance topics. Our rules : Have fun, play your game, kill titans and fight in wars. We stand by that life trumps all. Were running at % active membership. At this time one opening only!!
The Walkers Basic Rules.
Fight titans
Fight in war
Growth through leveling
Let Armageddon, robbielyn, danfor1944 or a co leader know in game chat that you will be absent and for how long.
Become a Co Leader
Everyone remember our main rule, tactics and strategy Have fun and play your game.
I’m at level 10. what level do I need to be to be able to join an awesome alliance like yours? Just looking for somewhere where I can be active everyday to advance quickly in the game
Truly a great alliance to be a part of. I have grown a lot since joining this alliance, and we have also progressed a lot as a group, both in terms of alliance power, and in terms of communication and strategy for wars and titans.