Looking for new and seasoned players to join our newely formed alliance. All members have 6 months + experience and the only requirements are to have fun and hit the titan daily. War is optional and we have veteran guidance for new players trying to get over the raid hump and grasp an understanding of all the new features added into the game. Former Alliance disbanded, looking to carry the glory over into the new one. thank you for your time.
Former top alliance looking for a fresh start. Veteran leaders, fully active, fun times to be had. very lax group but competitive when need to be. Excellent mentors to help guide you on this journey together. Main group has been together over a year
Mature alliance looking for some players 18 + to help fill our ranks. great veteran leadership in a totally relaxed environment. new and old players welcome.
mature alliance seeking a few players to join us as we continue our dominance.
New players welcome, excellent teachers, great environment to get started. players use line and Facebook messenger.
Will you have me?
I don’t have line or Facebook chat, but I could get line if it is mandatory.
BUMP! Still recruiting active players, farming 7-8* titans with only 16 members and won our last two wars.
have only lost one war since opening the doors. who’s next
you guys still looking for people? I’m very active with a pretty solid team. lvl 45, top team 4100 , solid 6 for war. Looking for a team that’s fun, hopefully without the token passive aggressive chatter. I’m all about strategies and team play, but feel there needs to be a little room for common sense. Will show up for wars and rarely miss a titan.
Thanks! Robert (Harry Nuggs)
never mind, I see it’s open… I’m in:)
Currently farming 8-9* titans with only 16 members. Great community of helpful veterans and newer players looking to advance. In house events on occasion to spice things up and keep it competitive!
Join The Untouchablez and see what we’re all about!
Still looking for active members to join our ranks!
Inquire below
We’ve found a couple solid recruits but we are still looking for more! Growing alliance with bulk coming from a top 1000 alliance. Good war record and big hitters, just took down 8* rare tiger with only 17 members. Very active group and veterans who love to help newer players grow. Inquire below!
Untouchablez recruting new and veteran players looking to have fun with a mature group of individuals. Fully active yet understand life cant be avoided and things happen out of our control. only requirements are to give your all when you can and respect your alliancemates as we push WE here strongly over ME.
Come and be part of the family! Great active alliance for all player levels!
Now under new leadership, healthy split of male and female players players as well as FTP and C2P, competitive but not overly so. Expect all flags to be used of opted in, but understand life happens if you need to opt out. All here to have fun. Mature group looking for a few more players
A new recruitment ad was just created. See below. Would you like to close this one and use the new one? Or stick here? We try to keep one ad per alliance.
Keep this one open please
I was requested by each OP to keep there’s open and close the other. So I’m going to decide on this and keep the old one. Thanks all.