"The Titan Lord"s Wrath", training grounds for those who want to grow strong

While growing stronger every day, “The Titan Lord’s Wrath” only has one rule. BE ACTIVE. There are no orders, no fancy rules, just titan skull smashing and war foe bashing. We are looking for mid level players 2000 - 2500 TP who want to grow, learn about the game and test their might against daily 4* dragons and occasionally 5* ones. We respect each other and can advice you on developing your stronghold, heroes, teams and battle strategies. War participation is encouraged but not mandatory. We have a 50% win ratio in the last 10 wars, so, win or lose, we open the war chest tomorrow. Come join us, we’ll make it worth!

Offer still stands, except the titan star count has changed. Today we are fighting a 6* and now we are killing 5* on daily bases. We also won our last four in a row wars, so we are three hours away from opening our second war chest. We are looking for players with 2500 - 3000 TP. Of course, any stronger than that would be a great addition to our team. We have three more open spots.