The TANK Report

@Starryeyedgryph I honestly do see her much more at TANK than anything else… every-time up the ladder. I went 2-3 with her tonight. I’m learning “DON’T F’N HIT ONA!” until I can hurt her bad… is the key for me lol. Now that’s what I originally thought, then she seemed to slip for a bit, then is back (maybe she had a cold)… Lol. Note the Class leveling - that pretty much says, I’m choosing you…

This one I pulled up when I was seeing who was coming for me after just taking @JimMe out of #1 he had it so damn long…


@Rigs I’m gonna 1 up ya and say Zeline is Top 5 HOTM if not period (granted a lot of heroes have come out since her - however she is solid with a good group - very dependable to hold out, on and as well punish)

@AirHawk of course you would notice that!!! It is because of you and one other person I leveled Kash LOL.