The Ridiculous Ideas & Features Thread

Of course. I don’t have hearts left, but it deserves a big one

New defence team proposal: Defence teams are invincible.

Thoughts: I have previously advocated for automatic wins and the like. I have even suggested our opponents should be nerfed. I see the error in my ways. So instead I propose that my defence teams are invincible instead. Much easier to code and implement into the game. So it doesn’t matter if you bring in five LB5 of the newest meta attack team, my singular Aife cannot be beaten. (This should really be standard anyway.) And if this standard game feature really needs to be monetised, make it a subscription feature for a new super turbo VIP champion edition which costs £1 million a month or something.

Conclusion: This would vastly improve the game for me (and I can demonstrate my wallet-fu), the game economy, and the happiness of shareholders. Do it now!

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Every hero with visible belly button should have -60% defence.


so it looks like LB3 and LB4 are also inevitable (4 chevrons total on the cards). might as well make the future LBs more fun and more revenue-generating…

  1. LB3 can be a summonable “pet” per hero. 1% chance of appearing, and you need to collect 5 pets to LB one hero.

  2. LB4 can be something truly evil. one has to encounter and kill 1000 Underwild bats/ Valhalla gnomes total. they HAVE to drop their season coins, so if one drops emblems/food it does not count. Atlantis seadragons are not included because they only drop coins; what, this can’t be too easy…


At first, I was baffled by the reasonability of this idea.

But then I took a look at my roster, and said to myself: “Hey but that’s discrimination! Half of my female fighters will be handicapped, while apart from Grimm and the Atlantis guys (most of whom does not even have a belly-button) my male heroes will suffer nothing!”

So I request a “Feminist movement” feature for my game. My female fighters can unite against all these handicapping sartorial habits (and potentially other, as yet unidentified threats against womanhood). I can pay a small gem amount for their membership fee when they join my roster, and in exchange, they have +30% attack, +50% defense and an allowance to take maternity leave for 4 months with the right of coming back to work with stats adjusted for inflation (= power creep).


I would propose your idea only works as you suggested for male heroes.

Everyone knows the skimpier armour for females (hence more skin exposure) increases their armour stats…

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Problem: It takes too long to level up heroes, especially 5*s.

Proposal: Reduce the amount of food, iron, heroes, mats, etc.

Thoughts: I’m fed up of having to spend so many resources to level up my heroes, especially my six especially selected war teams of LB2 5* heroes. Actually, my entire roster are all LB2 (including 3*s) but apparently no-one wants to know…

What SGG should do is reduce the leveling requirements of a 5* hero to that of a 3*. I would find this would be far more satisfactory to the vast majority of the player base. Yes, I bring forth this idea for the masses as not everyone has developed their Wallet-Fu skills to the extent I have. These skills are rather extensive, I’ll have you know.

What about the 4* and 3* heroes? I’m one step ahead of you! Reduce the 4* requirements to that of a 2*, and the 3* to a 1*. Seriously, no-one levels up 1* and 2* heroes…

Conclusion: By reducing the requirements for leveling heroes I believe the player base will be vastly happier for it, even though my Wallet-Fu skills are somewhat negated as a result.

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Someday we will have a Taco card.

Crazy idea. How about a “troop of the month”

It would be a combo. Mana/healing bonus or crit/healing bonus.

Get crazy and mash up ninja & tower troops

Use ETT or pull from troop portal. Same odds as HOTM

What do y’all think?


I’m terrified that SG/Zynga will take the idea seriously, and then we will start seeing troop power creep through time :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like you all to join me and ask Zynga to create more offers. I can still see my base but that’s obviously not what this scam should be about.



Absolutely, we can only fear that we might return to the bad old days when the clean and manageable game interface looked like this:

This petition requires some serious consideration.
I propose you add it here:

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Those bad old days are long gone. They are already in danger of adding a fifth column on my tablet screen. A month or two should do it with the way the offers are multiplying like rabbits.

My kind of post.


I can only back this request if it’s tied into automatically purchasing any offer that’s touched, with no chance whatsoever of voiding the transaction afterward.


Then they can tie it into PoG by having daily challenges based on the number of offers purchased.

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It is also annoying that only half of the ads pop up when you first start the app. They should all pop up on startup, and every time you return to your stronghold, and every time you hit MV.


I want them to add some additional pop ups. I dont watch a lot of regular tv these days so I dont see enough ads for adult incontinence pads, political party broadcasts or the latest Youtuber’s ‘energy drink’ sold at a 6000% mark up.


Proposal: Specific defence team requirements for Path of Giants.

Thoughts: We already have to raid for specific types of heroes in PoG. How about introducing the other side of it and have specific defence heroes. For example, raid defence team must only consist of Rare heroes. Of course, there’s also the other side of requiring five LB2 purple heroes as well.

Conclusion: I believe having such requirements for PoG will once again allow me to show off my Wallet-fu skills having been so generous to the masses with my previous proposal (which has yet to be implemented into the game). Do it, SGG. I need it!

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