The Ridiculous Ideas & Features Thread

Proposal: I, nay, we demand more alliance recruitment criteria within the game.

Problem: At the moment the only in-game criteria an alliance can set is the number of trophies. Alliances should have more control within the game as to who they allow to join.

Nb. I am not considering the ‘invite only’ aspect as it is not a criterion.
Nb.2 I am also not considering chat apps as those are external to the game.

Suggested criteria:

  • Number of trophies (already in game)
  • Number of base leveled 5* heroes
  • Number of fully emblemed 5* heroes
  • Number of base leveled 4* heroes
  • Number of fully emblemed 4* heroes
  • Number of Hero of the Month
  • Number of specific heroes, e.g. two Tellurias
  • Number of heroes of a specific element
  • Number of heroes of a specific origin, e.g. S1, S2, etc.
  • Number of 4* troops
  • Number of 4* troops fully maxed
  • Number of 4* troops of a specific element
  • Number of 4* ascension materials
  • Minimum length of game activity
  • Geographical location
  • Language(s)
  • Number of days since first installation (date of first installation would be too intrusive)
  • Number of 24 hour periods inactive
  • Number of consecutive 24 hour periods inactive
  • Longest length of time spent inactive (to nearest minute - we’re not fussy)
  • Number of unused war flags
  • Number of unused titan flags
  • Name of internet provider
  • Phone specs, e.g. RAM, SoC, screen resolution, screen refresh rate, etc. (or specs of tablet, etc.)
  • Amount spent in-game
  • Annual income - including partner or spouse’s (if applicable), or other means
  • Minimum spend per month

Conclusion: I’m sure there are other criterion which I have overlooked but I’m sure others will have suggestions to fully flesh out player demands. I believe by adding in these options into the game it would enhance an alliance’s recruitment efforts.