Sead: Tsssssssdf

I do enjoy lasagna. Is Italian food your general preference?

Personally, I like a wide variety of foods, so it’s hard to choose a favorite. Italian style foods definitely rank up there though.

When you think about it, it really trivializes every thread in bugs and issues. The workload of mods could be drastically reduced if discobot just jumped into every new thread and said “whatevs, just stop playing” and locked the thread.


But then everybody would hate Discobot’s advice lol.

@TGW Yes, italian is probably my favorite, especially if it’s handmade pasta :slight_smile:

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I think it’s a crap response for any situation, like when people complain about something politically (and NO I absolutely do not want to open up a political can of worms in here, those debates are best debated elsewhere) and people say “if you don’t like it, just leave”. Every member of a group is entitled to an opinion, whether that opinion is valid or not. And if there is something that needs to be adjusted, people have the right to discuss it. Whether they’re paying players or F2P.

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I do love Italian food, Mexican food, Chinese food (though living in the U.S., most of our versions of those are not exactly authentic). One of my personal favorites is Thai food.

@TGW, you must live near Philly? It’s 95 degrees and 90% humidity or 15 degrees and freezing rain. We may get 3 weeks of nice weather a year, just not in a row.

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write them here… link that post from another topic, tag that guy and go wild in here

but… but… its my eye… dont wanna see your crap :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Columbus, Ohio. Not too far from Philly.

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In all fairness, 50% of my post was on topic. I should have gotten half of a flag :thinking:


Sometimes the crap is highly entertaining but it tends to derail the thread, so yeah. It’s nice to have a separate area for verbal disembowelment.

I agree. But I admit I have said the equivalent of “just stop paying” when I’ve seen a person complaining about spending vast amounts of gems on terribad summons, saying they are quitting, and then posting a new iteration of the same thread a month later at the next event summons. Guilty, I am.


Ahhh yes, the same brutal swings in temperature!!

Just stop paying is actually a legitimate opinion. I’ve told people the same (though I get a little nervous saying that on here, as SG is a business and they do need to make money to keep the game going).


great. we can discuss it here.

note: happened to me too in there,
from 100 post half are toxic. and unrelated. like yours, mine.

As they say around here, “don’t like the weather? wait 5 minutes, it will change”

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I think that’s what people should start saying to complainers.

“Don’t like the boards? Wait 5 minutes.”



True. Though sometimes it’s more like 5 hours (or even 5 days). Bad boards can be streaky.

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I understand telling people that in summon threads, honestly I’d do the same :sweat_smile: but I think it’s counterproductive to see those type of comments in bugs & issues threads.

People who complain in bug threads took some of their time to describe a problem in the game. It’s a place of the forums only devs, mods, and experienced players should be in. The average player shouldn’t reply with a ‘stop playing’ comment imo. A comment like that only adds fuel to the fire.

Off topic, I’m kinda mad that there aren’t any pasta emojis :frowning:


thats why i created this :slight_smile: @FabulaSumus @grzechol

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I work at a mattress store. My boss told me I was fired today. I am the king with sales out the doors! I am SofaKing…pissed.

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