The new age of ascending

As I wrote over in Class quests ridiculous :

How many heroes will I need to complete all these Trials?

Answer: 30, same as wars, or fewer if they are carefully chosen. If you have 3 heroes in each of the ten classes, then you’ll have six heroes available for each Trial.

The problem for most mid-level players is that their 30 war heroes aren’t evenly distributed. My alt’s certainly aren’t. If you, too, are in this position, then take a look at the ten pairings for the ten different Trials and identify where you have coverage gaps. It’s okay to be short in one class, say Monks, as long as you have enough extra heroes in the paired classes, Clerics and Paladins.

But I agree, classes will now have to be one of several factors we consider as we choose heroes to develop. That’s true not on,y because of Trials, but because class abilities add an extra dimension to each hero. Some of these talents are great, some less so. Some of these talents naturally complement/strengthen the hero, some less so.

Example of synergy: Isarnia as a Wizard gets Jinx, which is a great complement to her AoE slow attack. When she casts, foes have had time to build up buffs, and with five targets odds are good that at least one will feel extra pain.

Example of no synergy: Guinevere as a Wizard. Her special inflicts no direct damage, so Jinx does next to nothing to help her. While she still benefits from all stat increases and other goodies along the Talent Tree, she got a ninja-nerf with Classes.

We all kvetched about suddenly needing 30mheroes for war, but after some concerted work, we’ve adjusted. Same thing here. It’s not surprising that the 30 heroes we’ve developed for wars don’t happen to be neatly aligned into the ten classes. We adapt.