The Nerph Ferrant Tank Thread

I don’t know if that even matter, the mana cut is still the annoying aspect of his skill

YAY! Another Nerf of a hero most have!

Good thing they dont nerf the heroes that need it…looking at you Ludwig with 6 turn Taunt (undispensable at times) 84% defense and 100% mana generation for nearby allies.

:hands SG shove to dig their own grave:


Ludwig doesn’t cause many problems in defense.

In offense I agree he is OP

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I know right. 100% mana gain with taunt nothing to see there :joy:.

I’m still very concerned that Zuri is still weak despite her 2 buffs. I suggest they look to buffing her again just before next Circus portal comes about…

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God I hope so otherwise she is just trash. Only way to cure it is to make her very fast.

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She needs to be 100% healing or why would you even bother??


If thats the case they should also buff Toxicandra. She should also give 100% mana generation per turn.


I wouldn’t even ascend either of them right now. The pair of them are useless.

this is for April Balance Update. So people will spend for chasing her


What about Xnolphod? 20% mana is not enough. He should give 100% mana to all and instant trigger their special skill.

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Good News! Milena is getting another much needed buff in the form of her passive! Praise be to the powers at SG. She sure needed something. Don’t get me wrong, it is still not enough, but at least it shows they are thinking about the poor gal, and how to make her better.


As im disappointed in this nerffed hero
after chasing him.
I realized that i was wasting my money for quite some time.
I am not upset but relieved.

Remember, it will always be a better, shinier, stronger, overpowered hero lurking around the corner.

So, thank you S.G G. for saving me money from this point on! :blush:

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Yup, looking forward for the future 10000 different types of buffs Milena, dark lord and zuri will be getting

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You forgot Toxicandra. But villains is still some time away so there is no rush. Yet.

As a new player with a tiny collection of leveled heroes I can assure you a Ferant tank was not winning all the fights. Actually I did worse on defense moving him to tank than I did with him flanking Franz. I still struggle in challenge events and map stages. He was one of the very first heroes I got and this is an unwelcome change for someone starting out who just got lucky with a good pull. Stop nerfs. People make decisions on who to pull and level based on current information. Making the heroes worse after we invest in them is a dirty trick. If an unbalanced hero slipped by you in beta, buff others or just keep it in mind for the next round we all know is coming.


I originally thought this post was a joke to nerf ferant … people being sarcastic etc I still think its a joke …hero is ok better than most 4* pre nerf … sg by nerfing him can we all have our lb back and feeders and food … THIS IS NOT A JOKE!


Oh I have no doubt the OP meant it as a joke. Sadly… here we are. Makes me not want to spend another dime.


shouldn’t SG compensate with foods, irons, reset token and aethers


Welcome aboard. Sadly this isn’t our first Rodeo…we’ve been here multiple times before