The mutts nuts

The mutts nuts

Why join an established alliance, when you can be part of building one?!

We’re a brand new alliance recruiting active and enthusiastic players to join our family! Here at The mutts nuts our aim is to simply have fun (although I am fiercely competitive) :crazy_face: with banter flying from here to the recruitment room, communication is a big deal in our alliance, however, if you’d like to just ghost it out with that’s perfectly fine with us!

If you have any questions/queries, feel free to contact me on the line app; el_senior


18+ (the language can get a bit fruity lol)

400 trophies required only to ensure activity

Hit the Titan daily! 2 consecutive misses=kick

War optional although if opted in you must
have 30 heroes to use all flags and follow strategy.

Try and help our lower levelled brothers with whatever they need! (We all started in the same boat)

And most importantly have fun!

Closing thread. Duplicate. See here. Verified this is where OP is.