Thanks @RedPython! It really exemplifies our team. We are usually underdogs in alliance wars but we’ve won most of them through coordination and participation.
Are you still looking for active members? I currently only have 600+ trophies, but I’m a new player too. This is my second, going on third week. I’m looking for an alliance that will offer help and support. My alliance members don’t talk to each other.
@sassafrass , we have an opening. We’re hitting 8* titans now so I raised the trophy requirements to 1200. If your team is below 3000 power, it can be challenging but we’re willing to help if you are active and will continue leveling. Are you still interested?
I just joined Granny’s Warriors. Thank you though. They’re on 5* titans, and that is challenging enough for me right now. I’d be lost as a goose in a hail storm with you guys!
We’ve just had a couple of long term members drop out, and have a couple of spaces. We haven’t missed a 14* titan in about 5 months, and are looking for people that use their flags and can hit 80k+ on titans.