The mother of all packs

And with Sergei as it’s spokesperson to reflect how great this pack is. But is it really worth it? Let’s see what our panel of experts have to say about this.


I’m just mildly surprised the 5* colour ascension mats are so ‘cheap’ tbh? But I’m overall not surprised they’ve finally decided to make an offer like this.


Lol… I thought the same thing :wink:. Prices in NZD


game shifts to pay-to-ascend-first more and more… kinda sad…
player base will soon (1 year) drop if SG goes to the Zynga way and keeps it up…

nowadays, it seems you get all from the offers… why bother to max buildings? kill titans?..


p.s. bookmarked it for 1y from now. lets see


If I was going to buy anything, the most I buy will be 1 pair of dam blade and tome and that’s it. If it was a choose your ascension items and they give you 6 of that, I will snatch that up in a heartbeat


It looks like an offer from people craving from money, more than usual. It was a time, I would have bought the last pack in a heartbeat. But Not now. Not anymore, since this game is going in a very wrong direction. Sorry SG !


September revenue target at risk?
Such desperate offer makes me think about the game future.


While I don’t see any desperation in the OP mentioned offer, as people quickly run to label as the main reason…. SG knows ascension mats are always needed, especially with so many heroes they have introduced
Hence, this pack-deal is brought out = a regular commercial decision…

Instead of expressing heart burn = abusing the decision which the game has every right to put out…. simply don’t buy it, as I decided …. As simple as that….
I have no hurry to level up any hero at the moment & chose to wait for mats to come.

However, I know few alliance mates are in need of DBs & ToT for a while…Will get to know later what they decided….

Don’t see anything wrong on any SG offer, bcoz to engage or not is MY DECISION = No one is Forcing me !


I was regarding 4* AM as a bonus item for buying gems. I skip.
On another note - looking at the pricing: it appears cheap. 25 EUR for 5 items. that equals to buying 400 gems (per item) in the market.


The cheapest asc mat offer I can remember, but I laughed so hard whan I saw it. :joy:
I don’t know about others, but their businesses model started to have this “woooooow” effect almost on daily basis. It’s an easy no from me.


I find the offer as straight forward deal to all P2P players who want it instead of costlier, indirect deals like bonus chests & deals bundled with gems where only 2 - 4* items are offered ….

I hear complains from non & not wanting to pay ….P2P players = SG didn’t give this deal for them….

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Yep, not buying any of those.


perfectly right. If you’re looking for material. I happen not to. And I am wondering how many do because it takes a while to get a hero which really improves roster. Main reason why my materials summed up.

Oh, I gave them close to 5k $ until recently. But then they started to be ridiculous. So much, that I really can’t justify further monetary investments. Now I just laugh, when I see the newest revenue mobilizing moves. :see_no_evil::joy:


The pace at which we’re getting new heroes requires that to enjoy them something had to be done with the pace at which we get ascension mats. Availability of them should be significantly increased.

But of course, in this game, it couldn’t be for free!

2 years ago I would probably buy it all. But today… today 4th node doesn’t mean anything. We also need emblems. We also need LBs (for which there are other offers hehe). Me getting my niche hero ascended 2 weeks earlier than it could be means nothing to my overall success.

It’s a nice try but too late to catch me. GL hunting for the big fish.


With so many heroes coming out i think its useless to butvthese deals as it will never end. You will just pour money for heroes

No gems?!

No deal :kissing_heart:


It’s actually tempting as I have Rings, Tonics and Darts all sat at 5 and Tabbards at 10.

But I have a budget and I have to assign it to where I feel I get the most value. Currently that’s S3 offers as I’m stockpiling the coins for Alfrike and getting 20 Flasks for monthly events.

So I’ll just wait on getting them through the game.

But if you need to ascend stuff it’s a solid deal.


Ahhhhh this is good.

People complained about lack of mats and SG comes to the rescue… With paid offers.

Another slap to the face.


I am really angry where the business model of that greate game is now. I am frustrating cause i can not get 4* am from titan,chests but i can buy it. Month by month they are slapping in the face. Too many heroes, too many op. It is like the rat race. It is not a new opinion but i had to write it