FIGHTING 8-9* Titans
Join an active, Fun, Multi-national, Knowledgeable Crew!! 6 Ship Armada! 24/7 HAPPY HOUR
No Friggin’ in the Riggin’ 600 CUPS required
SEARCH ‘The Ironclad’ to join NOW
We still have 2 free slots available for grabs! If you would like to join a great group of alliances and have lots of fun while progressing in the game, then join us today
We now have one spot left in the Ironclad, come and check us out before it is taken! Thanks to some new recruits and a lot of improvement among our members, we are now fighting and killing 9* titans and winning most wars. Join us if you would like to be a part of a competitive and fun-oriented alliance
I miss you guys too but I feel really happy now. No pressure any more and relaxed playing. The game is now fun again
Please send my greetings to the rest of our crazy bunch.
The Ironclad still has two spots open. Join the alcohol and fun loving pirates on their quest for world domination! If you are looking to fight high level titans, grow as a player and meet a whole bunch of great people then The Ironclad is the alliance for you