The Impervious Ones 19/30 Don't get lost in the big alliances

The Impervious Ones only requirements are:

  • Be active. Daily participation is necessary.
  • Titans are a must. Use all 3 flags on titans.
  • War is OPTIONAL. If you choose to participate, you need 30 heroes to be able to use all 6 flags and join our War Room chat on LINE for strategy updates.
  • 200+ Trophies / 1900 Team Power minimum
  • 18+
  • We have a monthly raffle for a free VIP. You get an entry every time you use all 6 flags in war. You get an entry every time you use 3 flags on a titan.

We use LINE app for screenshots, War strategies, Member of the Month Raffle (MOTMR), and game notes. LINE app is a must if you join our alliance.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, then search for The Impervious Ones in game.
If you have questions, send a message to me on LINE @ Quinnzelle, I will pop up as Quinn.

We look forward to meeting you soon :grin:

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