The Game Dynamics are Too Complicated Now

the only thing that challenges me is the status effects that I can’t dispel like goblin effects. Stacks are the only problem for me.

He is referring to the number of different events that can occur at the same time multiplying the outcome variations in that single event. The actual outcome probability is reduced because of the increased number of possible outcomes, adding more randomness to what actually occurs.

Think of it as throwing ten 6-sided dice and trying to work out the result as opposed to throwing one 6-sided die. Then do both of those ten times in a row.


Stacks are a pain, I find the new magic heroes with their automatic mana penalty stack upon special firing to be annoying. But then lots of these passives can be annoying especially when you have them under mindless attack and after slashing their teammate, their passive goes off (I think there’s a cleanse for some of them), so then everyone who was affected are cleansed and then fire off.

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One thing that confused me at first was the shared damage when attacking an elf. Initially, it felt like I was attacking someone else because of their unusual formation with two in the front and three in the back. I kept getting confused when hitting the Left Flank and wondered why the damage was shared, as I didn’t see any status effects. It took me a while to realize that when you hit the elf, the damage is always shared. At first, I thought it was a glitch, but then I realized they had actually changed the mechanic to a passive ability. Sometimes, even though you see it on the hero, you have to experience it to understand, because the wording can be confusing. Overall, I feel like the game mechanics are intentionally made complicated to frustrate players and encourage them to pull for new Heroes. Everyone wants a hero that can attack and stay alive because of their passive ability, never needing to use a special move. It’s a clever trick, albeit annoying, but the game developers need to keep finding reasons for players to pull for new Heroes, and this is one of them.

I find the goblin stack to be both annoying and clever. It’s frustrating because it can’t be removed by any means unless you defeat the hero. Sometimes, with numerous status effect buffs surrounding the hero, it’s impossible to remove the stack without dealing with its outside forces. This reminds me of different trading card games I used to play socially and in tournaments. It was always interesting when someone figured out how to effectively use a certain card to create a strategy that made it nearly impossible for the opponent to play. Later, I’d discover that the card was either banned or restricted to one copy because it was too powerful. That’s similar to what’s happening in the game with these goblin stacks. Not long ago, I saw someone dealing an absurd amount of damage to a Mythic Titan with Dark Feather. It was incredibly impressive how much damage this player was able to produce. They had cleverly figured out how to use the card in a way that made it nearly impossible for their opponent to avoid taking massive damage. It’s cool that someone can use a card so well that it frustrates anyone facing them. Sometimes, you can’t help but be upset and impressed that you didn’t think of it first, but later on, you can figure out how to defeat it.


That is in no way related to what I stated. But thanks for the simplistic explanation of probability theory.

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In the end they will transform this game into astrophysics. Adding and adding new things constantly is nonsense. Just make one or two good things and invest on this two things and give it to people that just want to relax for a while.


But … but … the more complicated the dynamics the more time spent trying to decipher them. The more time spent in the game the more opportunities to bombard us with ads.

Be thankful it’s not like streaming services that now make you pay to watch ads – and pay more to reduce the amount :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

I agree with Author…too complicated… Too many things going on, it has become very contrived.
just numbers and damage from everywhere…I don’t even know or can track what caused the damage.

I put mindless attack on a team the other day and they were healing every time they did mindless attack…I don’t know whether it was a bug or a passive…I didn’t want to waste my time trying to find out. What’s the point? With everything so irregular , I can’t plan for a next time…it might be one of those 20% chance passives… you can’t plan attack team synergy around that.


Yeah, i dont even look at cards of each hero I face anymore, haven’t for a long time.
I feel like it being complicated is their aim though, then it makes you buy and buy the more powerful heroes and everything so you can beat them without needing to understand everything.

So you have to remove the counterattack without removing the healing buff?
If you dispell then everyone heals anyway… seems like a case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

Need block buff
or dispel after block heal or steal heal
or dispel with hero like Iris but not in blue
or steal buff fiends
or reflect buffs
Or silence
Or block mana
Or drain mana
Or steal mana

Depends on what you have


My favourite example of being needlessly complicated is on costume Hathor.

First passive says 50% chance of various effects happening then has a second effect saying it 100% happens. Would just have been simpler to have a single passive that just says the various effects always trigger without any percentages…

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Doesn’t she also have a second passive or is it a resistance/immunity to a status effect/set of status effects? The Dunes Costumes and the Champions Heroes kinda irritate me that we’re hitting 3 passives for 1 hero.

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Her third passive is an immunity to mana stopping effects. If you also count the two family effects that only require a single hero to activate (or two for better effects) you could argue she has 5 passive skills in total.


Good to know. I coulda sworn one or two of them got an additional passive. But yeah, if that 100% thing also activates her other stuff, then that’s pretty weird when they coulda made it part of her Special Skill on the costume.

Sorry, I haven’t kept up to date on this thread. But I want to add a specific example to my original post to explain how the complicated dynamics drastically affect the gameplay.

I recently attacked a team that had Hathor, Darkfeather, and Meresankh as the middle three. I managed to manipulate the tiles mostly favorably for me so that 3 of my heroes are charged, two of which affect mana/special skill use. Hathor was triggered however but Darkfeather was barely alive and even with the heal from Hathor will not be a problem plus I will be able to dispel the buff she gives to her allies. No problem. I’m probably going to win! But nope! I actually lose badly. Why? The tide was turned against me by one teeny-tiny detail hidden in her very wordy passive ability. She has a 50% chance to give a small amount of mana to her allies. So guess what? Hathor heals up the team (was calculated in by me) but now Darkfeather also gets to go off and heal the whole team some more. Whats more, is that Meresankh also gets to go off and cut all of my mana. So not only was I not able to use my specials to kill Darkfeather, I wasn’t able to use my specials to block the use of Meresankh’s special skill. And everybody is healed. And I end up losing without killing a single hero when I was on the verge of destroying that team. Again, all because of one small detail hidden away in a passive ability.

This is very frustrating. Nobody can remember all the details of these heroes anymore, ESPECIALLY the passive abilities.

It is the passives more than anything that make this game too complicated. They used to be tiny such as preventing a very specific status ailment. But now they trigger all kinds of things (damage to all, ailments to all, cleansing to all, etc.). And what’s more, they don’t activate all the time but with a chance. So, something that works out one time won’t work out the next time. It makes it very hard to account for! Some passives even give shared damage that can’t be dispelled (looking at the Elves here).

Passives have gotten out of hand! One tiny thing like that should not be able to swing a battle from victory to utter defeat like that. They are way too overpowered.

This is a very good point.

Yeah happened to me too. From a highly likely to win to a “it’s better to flee” with only 3 barely alive heroes.

It will only get worse.

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Well…a tiny event changing a match, may it be a one colored tile at the right moment or a passive activating at the right moment, has always been in the game.
I agree that game dynamics have become complicated and if I really try to win a match and if I dont know all the heros I will read their description to be sure what they do.
Furthermore I always assume the worst case concerning RNG and so only get positive suprises! :rofl:

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