The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

I am a little slow today, but how is the pool less diluted?

if there are only two possible event 4s, then one is more likely to get either of them. than if there were like 10 event 4s.

Let’s say the odds of getting any event 4* is, idk, 5%. so that’s 2.5% to get either one.

but if there were 10, it’s 5% divided by 10 to get any one of them… that’s like 0.5% chance for each.

Oh, you mean event 4* are being added to HA? Is it true? Or are they getting their own portals?

Let’s say the individual challenge events didn’t change, the chance of getting say Jackal / Falcon still remain the same right?

No, event 4* are not being added yet. I was saying that many players do want them :slight_smile:

And yes, odds for jackal and falcon will not change. There are no plans to add more event 4* to the old events yet

In fairness, when you don’t plan on spending money for pulls, any other increased chance of stuff (costumes, AMs, heroes) is good. There’s a reason why I’m not particularly down on the HA10 even if it hasn’t produced non-S1 heroes yet: there’s always a chance and given the minimal costs once I’ve researched it, why not use it?


@sleepyhead Thank for the explanation, would be nice to be able to possibly pull a non vanilla 3* or 4* out of HA, speaking of which, I had no idea why HA10 wouldn’t include seasonal (Lepus, Rana, Victor, Santa, etc.) in there, it’s not like they were being acquired like flying off the shelves (the HA10 reporting thread should show you how many people are getting non S1 5*).

Having a 5% tacked on to get the costume at the same time as 5* dupe would be like adding a second play option to your weekly raffle ticket. Your first play is of course trying to get into that 5% pool of non vanilla, didn’t get it? Now here is the second play, see if you got into the 5% pool to get that costume for that vanilla you just got. No? Try again next week.


When we will able to get costumes too, then we can expect something good in every 10 retraining.
I think it is good for F2P :slight_smile:


Theoretically. Pulled my 31st S1 in a row today. :roll_eyes: By the odds, I suppose I should expect 2 non-S1s in the next 9 pulls, but prolly not.

Never mind me. I’m just whining.


Thanks, very nice of you to say this!

I guess you did not try Hungarian… :wink:?


I agree :slight_smile:

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There were even people who got 2, one immediately after the other. If I remember well, even someone who got 3 within only a few retraining? Don’t give up hope!

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In Beta I did about 45 pulls from HA10 yesterday.
I have received 4 costumes (Quintus, Marjana, Thorne and Kadilen) + Roc.
At the end I got two costumes in a row :smiley:

I hope I will have similar success in the live game too once this change made into live game.
(But most likely it will not happen :smiley: )


When is the Villains event again? I hope it’s not annual. I was busy at the time and skipped it, but randomly have an urge to do it now. Bring it!


I’d like to think that too… because it would mean they listen to us. But I guess that’s just wishful thinking…

Rather, I think had they seen the thread, they would have stopped and thought twice before adding this feature. “They want it? So it might not be conducive to spending? Hmmm. :face_with_monocle:

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This morning, MV gave me an epic troop token. Feeling lucky (such a thing hasn’t happened to me since several months), I decided to spend my total of 13 ETT, and went to the summon portal.

Let’s forget that at first, I mistakenly summoned at the epic hero portal, and stared stupidly when Oberon turned up. S***!!! One carefully saved EHT gone! For OBERON! +*ç%&/(#).

But then, from my 13 ETT, I got not one, but two red mana troops that I chased since two years without success! Two, in the same small pool!

Grazul and BK will be more than happy. They will get one category faster. (Well, once I fed both of those mana troops up to level x. But at least it’s just a question of time now!)

Plus, I got two ninja troops and two more 4* troops. Almost half of my pulls 4*, incredible! I have a strong background in statistics, but my built-in human reactions still speak up. Luck is sticky, whatever mathematics says!


congrats! BK especially, moving from average to almost-fast (10 tiles to 9) is a big thing! and that was great troop luck :slight_smile:


Thanks :smiley:! Yes, that will be real good. But I am also looking forward to Grazul not being late when Frigg, Vela and Gravemaker fires!


If I am calculating it correctly, then it will be between Sept 2 - 6.


Something is broken in the game this week.

On Tuesday when we defeated our 10 star titan I have not anticipated anything for my B loot, and this is what I get:

I thought that my luck is over for the next few months…

But then a rare blue titan is appeared on Thursday, which we have also defeated.
Guess who have received the bonus item for A loot ?

Now, I thougth that my luck is over for the rest of the year…

On Friday we have defeated another regular 10 star titan, where I scored only B loot:

I have never seen this good titan loot win streak before… :smiley: Have you ?
And it was never happened to me earlier … :smiley:


And there is more…

Last Tuesday’s (05/18) elemental chest:


Titan loot on 05/13:

Monster chest on 05/12:


I think this May is too kind for me :smiley:
(I have received Grazul too this month as I posted above)…