The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

@Muchacho good point, 5*s take forever, ugh!

on your Qs:

  1. Drop your other D-Droppers, Athena’s special overwrites theirs. source: 📑 Status Effects (Buffs and Ailments) and Stacks - Dead topic see link in post #190

  2. I am pretty sure you can get Reuben from an EHT, even from single EHTs. any pull in seasonal portal, whether 1x or 10x, gives you an HOTM bonus chance.

  3. Without knowing your roster super well (sorry!), I initially vote Glenda. Kiril and other 4* healers can step in for healing IMO, Glenda’s faster mana speed relative to Raffaele + cleanse + offensive buff are too good to pass up…

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