The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

You got me there, I am more of the offensive type, although I hold my ground fairly well if the battle gets prolonged.

Jackals require lvl 11 mana troop. If you can spare one for each of them, they shoot multiple times and LB plus emblems ensures their survivability. I’d really like a D’Andre to keep them alive because Gullinbursti is just too slow…

Looking in my inventory turns out I also have a total of 10 Holy 5* Aethers, meaning I got two from somewhere (tournaments, wars). However my only two 1/1 yellow 5* are VIvica and Justice - IMO both unworthy of LB. Of course I am unwilling to just wait to get a worthy 5* to LB, meaning I will be currently LB my 4* and afterwards even my 3* yellows. I will however LB a Justice and an Uraeus on different alts, despite the fact that I don’t have emblems for those. If anyone’s interested, I may post screenshots of those when they’re maxed so you can decide for yourself if it’s worthy to LB your own.

BTW @Muchacho I was wrong, cChao has more attack and defense compared to a regular Chao with cbonus (both emblemed on attack path) however has less HP. Still, because Chao’s special is by 40% bigger, that still gives him more damage with special skill.

From one of my f2p alts: This is one way to beat the last stage of Holy omega with rainbow no-heal S1 4* team. For anyone having trouble with the current Omega, it might help:


Exactly what I decided, and your feedback just confirms it for me!

Thanks so much!

Edit: didn’t want to double post again. A few emblem questions.

Wu Kong?

Wondering (based on my roster and future possibilities as an FTPer) who gets emblems, and precedence…


Same. I went with Gullinbursti, Poseidon, Joon, Devana, and Vivica, and I never felt in danger. Held Viv for most of the final battle because I didn’t need her.

Maybe the biggest dilemma for me. I’ve already done Gretel and Gullinbursti. None of my other yellow fours have emblems now, so I’m hesitant to break any of them. Plan to just keep maxing Jackal with yellow feeders for now, and will break Pixie after, as I have her emblemed since getting her in Challenge Festival. My LB yellow threes are Kvasir and Melia. I also have C. Kailani emblemed, but I probably won’t break her.

I have lots of good yellow fives, but no clear cut choice to break. Poseidon, Onatel, C. Leo, Viv, Joon, and Devana are all possibilities. Leaning C. Leo at this point.


my LB journey: I did 3* and 4* first. but for 4* I prioritized the ones I use every day on offense

  • Yellow - Jackal, Wu (for Titans). now Lady Wooly, and base Joon (I use him on offense and he’s my defense Yellow); costume to follow. Also under consideration: Malosi, maybe later Mist

  • Purple - Proteus, Rigard and costume; next will be Bera (my defense Purple), then Seshat. C-Sabina, Ametrine and Tiburtus are also under consideration.

  • Red - I did Boldtusk first, then C-Marjana Titans and offense, then Santa. Unfortunately my 4* Reds… well, Gormek gives a weaker defense debuff than Santa; Scarlett’s attack is not as high as my Elena +18…

  • Green - Hansel, Melendor and costume. Francine will probably be next (my Green on defense).

  • Blue - Kiril, Sonya and costume. then Richard-C as he is my war tank. Lepus probably next. Grimm, no, as I have C-Magni and Isarnia for defense down…

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Both Boril and Cyprian I would advise embleming in their base form, not costume. Based on the math it is better to cover 3 at the higher riposte percentage then all at the lower. You could emblem either, but you will eventually reset them. It depends how much you like riposte. I don’t remember who your non vanilla heroes are, so I will base this on vanilla only.

Between the two I like Cyprian better because his HP level is high and his D value lower. You want a low D value to increase received damage in order to increase riposte damage. Avoid D nodes like the plague.

Cyprian will be in competition primarily with Sonya. I would emblem heroes first. If she is already done and you like riposte go Cyprian. Especially if you have her costume. The versatility of cleanse of dispel is amazing. If you lack her costume and have other dispels via Caedmon, Melendor, Sabina, etc you could potentially choose Cyprian first. It is your roster, use who you like.

Boril’s main competition is Rigard. Cleanse is hard to find, emblem Rigard first. After that you could do Boril. Personally I think one is enough, but you could do double riposte to help with difficult stages and quests. His down side is his high D reduces riposte damage. That also means he survives better though. That’s not bad when you goal is to be heat basically.

Kind of a toss up, you do you.

The Wu should be prioritized and emblemed if he is your titan A booster. He should be on every non-yellow reflect titan if you don’t have Miki, Tarlak, Ranvir, etc. we are mostly fighting 8’s and 9’s, so you may go HP/D to help him survive to cast. If you want A value to increase tile damage you wouldn’t be nuts. I think I did it that was back when. I since got Ranvir from one of the ToLs though.

Scarlett is an A value machine. Her special isn’t great. In red stacks she comes for A value to tiles and same with titans. How do you play your reds, mono? Go A path with her. Rogue will keep her alive more than the added HP/D to her paltry stats will.

Hope that helps!

I had Gullinbursti +20, Chao with CB +1, Leo +19, Joon +19, Griffin +8. The mana boost to yellows and 3 fast heroes means I am shooting non stop and Griffin’s hit is legit.

Sort of true for me. Jackal does but is a titan specialist. Chao doesn’t due to my great ranger class, but the LB could compensate for the current lack of emblems. That would leave enough for Griffin who shows promise. Hard to say.

I already feel bad hoarding my purples. I would hate to do it in two colors.

C-Leo. EDD never goes out of style. My second pick would be Onatel. That’s just how I play. I play slow and deliberate apparently.



Definitely does! I still use and really want to emblem the riposte twins, but I’m thinking the emblems are better spent on other heroes.

Is there any other red 4* that obviously gets emblems? Other than Wilbur and Bt?

Wanting more uuumph from my reds, but not sure it’s there. I’ve got all of them, and none of them are screaming “Me! Me! Me!”


Well you have Wilbur, so that’ll change how you operate compared to me. A few follow up questions:

  • Do you have Guardian Falcon?
  • Do you have Hero Academy running up to level 8?

I will assume all vanilla and only 4’s until you say otherwise. You want to fire BT first, Wilbur second. The enemies are then weaker and you’re boosted. Next bring your hitters. Colen will be top dog. If you have his costume use it. Costume Colen is a monster. Base Colen is a full-in until you get his costume. Then use Scarlett and Kelile because they are who you have left.

Scarlett is there as a multi enemy hitter and tile booster. Kelile is an acceptable sub for Marjana and worthy of emblems. See here:

Now the reason for the questions above is Guardian Falcon fires third in that set because on top of the A boost, enemy D drop, you give them EDD. D drop and EDD stack. Then would come costume Colen 4th and then a final hitter. Costume Colen will see them being nearly dead though.

This assume your mono. That is a pretty standard set up for atomic reds. If you have non S1 reds so then to me be I will see if they’re better suited after Colen fires. Troops are important because the speeds of the heroes mentioned above at varied and the critical ones are average or slow.

Good luck!


EDIT: Missed this:

Nothing wrong with riposte twins. They function without emblems too depending on the rest of the team and what you’re doing. That works great in PvE. If n PvP that is getting somewhat harder because the newer heroes have like 3-5 elements to their specials so the D can debuff your riposte easier then when I ran that a few years ago.

Again though, if your teams are built around riposters it isn’t WRONG to emblem them. Just avoid D nodes.

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01/17/2022 - I spent the rest of my stashed Valhalla coins, it is not as if I am getting a lot of Gnomes that would drop coins any more (none of the Gnomes dropped Valhalla coins for me this VF). I ran out of Green projects to work on and on a whim, I decided to just use the coins to see if I can get some of the heroes I’ve had in mind. I had enough for 36 summons with V coins and here is what I walked away with.

10 new unique heroes
Grevle, Jarvur, Bjorn, By-Ulf, Sudri, Brynhild, Stonecleave, Shadereave, Fura, and Norns.

Take aways:

  1. S1 vanilla made up of an upsetting > 25% odds of showing up, dupes are fed.
  2. Missed out on getting Agnes to complete the S3 3* collection
  3. Spent 150 Gems for Roster Space x 2
  4. Managed to Strike out on most of the of the more prized S3 4* (Jott - Ice tile specialist, Almur - Nature Def down, Sumle - Fire Tile Specialist, and Gullinbursti - It’s Porkins, enough said).
  5. Landed one of my intended targets in Brynhild (probably most happy about this one).
  6. Got one more 5* in Season 3 than I did in Season 2 in Norns. Facing her on the map levels gave me the creeps.

So 3600 valhalla coins down the grinder, 150 gems spent, 10 new unique heroes to work on, and 3 x 3* mats from the bonus ascension mat chests that I could’ve gotten from Alkashard mixtures. My Valhalla summoning days are essentially over.


I do have and am currently finishing GF (I had luck! Who knew? :joy:)

So, let’s just say I’m, well, slow.

I have everyone you mentioned. It sounds like I’m finishing GF, embleming Wilbur and Colen (no costume), and then Kelile?

Feeling kinda stupid with my 7 nodes on Gormek… hehehe

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overall a pretty good haul @Shohoku79 , including a valhalla 5* - pretty good for 36 summons! (more roster space bought eh?) enjoy your new projects, great for the collection!


Yup, this would make the 6th roster spot purchase. So I guess for the first 5 times it had been 50 Gems, but starting from the 6th it is 100 Gems territory.


If you’re going as outlined above the final member could be Kelile or Scarlett. Your call. Scarlett will win on tile damage, but Kelile’s special damage is bigger. I hear good things about Kelile’s costume too though. :man_shrugging:

Gormek is still good. Mine is +20 and LB’d. I don’t have Wilbur though. Given your roster Gormek is great depth. Gormek’s D drop lasts 2 turns longer than Wilbur.


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Only problem with Kelile’s costume is that the burn damage overwrites with Colen’s - although most times Kelile’s damage should be over before Colen charges, as Kelile is fast and hee burn only lasts 2 turns.

I think normal Kelile’s upside is being able to snipe a particularly dangerous enemy


@Igmuhota : Gormek and Wilbur can work well in different situations. I hesitate to bring Wilbur against enemy teams with def-down heroes, because those can immediately change Wilbur’s own def-up and spirit link on my own team into a huge disadvantageous def-down plus spirit link. So that’s when you’ll be happy to bring out Gormek. When there is no such hero in the enemy team, Wilbur may be better.

But to tell the truth, I made my way on the map and into Diamond so long without Wilbur that I may not have realized his full charm.


I would like to share pictures of my Scarlett and Kelile, if somebody would like to see their stats and their costumes stats.
Talent paths - attack/defense for Scarlett and attack/defense for C. Kelile.

Personally, I prefer Scarlett +CB for high attack and C. Kelile for fast burn that lasts only 2 turns. I don’t use Colen, because I don’t have fighter emblems for him, but even if I had enough emblems I think I wouldn’t emblem him, not now when I have other heroes.
Wilbur helped me alot with finishing S2 and S3 map, but Gormek is better in some situations, I agree with @Gartenerbsen


As promised, I give a number of LB 4* and even a couple 5* from my alts. Hope this helps you decide which to LB:

Errm I kinda like the defense approach, makes the Riposte twins much more resilient in the Hard stages of Season 3:

Here is my Atomic red, and it kicks butt on Diamond. The good thing of the team is that it can win out of nowhere even if all or almost all heroes are dead. Everybody except BT emblemed on attack path:

All of these heroes earn their pay big time. Earlier I was using a third Scarlett (20), non LB instead of the Guardian Falcon because I didn’t have him. However the combo of Wilbur + Falcon + Scarlett hitting the same 3 as Falcon is devastating. Scarlett ensures the survivability of the team which is why I’d rather have multiples of her than even one Kelile. Costume Scarlett is great in Buff Booster, you can position two at 2nd and 4th slot so that everyone gets a fast 30% attk increase aura + 20% more from the Buff Booster bonus, and afterwards fire your other fast reds.

That being said, I re-emblemed my Kelile in costume form:

She is great in bloody battle tournaments, sees limited play otherwise. Regular Kelile’s snipe ability very quickly became too weak for Diamond, which is another reason why I excluded her from the Atomic red team.

Here is my cColen, he definitely sees play however not in everyday raids. His strength is Rush and events/map stages:

Sadly regular Colen is too slow, despite the combo with Wilbur and Falcon, he just doesn’t live that long. If he does, it’s usually an overkill since you already laid waste to your opponent with the numerous red tiles you need to charge him. I guess he can be useful for Platinum arena raids, however I highly doubt that is the case for Diamond, no matter what kind of mana troops you have.

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Congrats on your new S3 heroes, especially Brynhild and Norns @Shohoku79! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:

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I still like Gormek over Wilbur in raids because my other reds are slow, squishy, or both. If they die, BT + Falcon + Wilbur usually doesn’t give me enough firepower to finish the enemy off, especially with Wilbur spreading out the damage. Gormek at least gives you some damage with his special, and his def down lasts longer.

I find her helpful in late war teams against riposte heroes, especially if I’ve burned through most of my dispellers. DoT bypasses riposte, and she does no direct damage to get counterattacked with.

Another LB Danza! Woot! @Gryphonknight went all def/HP on his, but it looks like you went attack with yours.


Yep. My alts are primarily for the titan hits, meaning that I often just go auto on a 5* - 6* with rainbow 4* teams on all alts, which saves me time for everyday activities. For that I need high attack on everyone and that’s why on all alts my heroes are emblemed on the attack path fully. Plus, he’s a rogue and it would be a waste to go def. I don’t respect the little guy at all, it’s just I have no other 4* yellow on that alt to LB…

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:frowning_face: :-1:

He can be fun to play with. Most people let the randomness bother them too much to really enjoy him, though.

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