The Brotherhood of XIII needs serious players

We have 5 spots open due to inactivity, and we’re looking for players that are on daily(multiple times preferably) with 1200+trophies and a team power of 3000 our better. Daily titan attacks required, war participation strongly preferred. We’re chatty, friendly, and respectful, but we’re serious about moving to the top. Were not far from the leaderboard,but we need your help to get there!

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Still looking for 11 members. 1400 trophies.

Still at about 90k alliance score with 12 spots open. Looking for dedicated players. Open to a merger, but only if your alliance is to join us. Or name and record is important to us. Totals are a must, and the war is optional, but you must opt out if you won’t participate. Don’t stress the other members by not being there.