THE BLACK PEARL, one of the oldest alliances around, has one open spot.
We kill 9* titans, but everyone kills titans, so nothing new there. If you want fellowship, fun, exchanging experience and no drama, join us at THE BLACK PEARL
Requirements: +21,teampower of 3500 +

Line: branwen62

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We have another spot open. Come join us if you are titan hungry. It is our main priority!


We still have two spots open on the deck of The Black Pearl! We are currently killing 9-11* titans and with two more players we should be able to kill 11*s more consistently :muscle::muscle:

We are a very fun-oriented, growing alliance full of very helpful and dedicated members. We are also the flagship of a bigger armada of alliances, which means you will be able to meet even more great people through our Line groups once you join us!

Come and give our pirate ship a try, we promise that if you come to kill the high level titans we are battling, you will stay for the amazing people that make up the alliance! :smiley: