Under your point of view, who are the best heroes of 3*, 4* and 5*, 2 for color and category.
In the entire game of your own roster?
No idea about 3 and 4 but Aramis, Anne, Jove.
To be honest it depends if you are talking about defence or offence?
It also depends if you are talking + emblems and +1LB or +2LB or +Costume(s)
The top tier heroes continually change with each new release …
And finally a lot will change when the big balance is completed …
For defence and current 5* heroes I would look through the raids leaderboards
Just my two pennies worth
Well, my English is not very well, I don’t explain it, 2 heroes by color and category, one for defense, one for attack, or the two you wants ever in your team
I want this, 3*…treevil and aqueela, grevle and noril, Dante and sudri, Sally and the waiter of the clash of knights, gunnar costumed and frosty
For 4* vigilante chacal costumed, anastasia, Wilbur costumed and zhabog, azmia and Grimm costumed, Franz and ptolemy y rigard costumed and egiptian knight, I don’t remember his name
Dawn and Basil are solid 3* heroes (blue and red, respectively).
Waqas is a beast for rush wars.
Don’t go hunting after the “good” heros. Learn to work with what the game gives.
Anne, Jove
Aramis, Sneferu
Hathor, Khufu
Queen Anne ?
Camilla, Milady de Winter
I suggest you use the search function. There is no 1 answer to such an open question. You would need to specify what purpose you want to find good heroes for and in most cases the answer would be extremely rare and expensive heroes that are best (none of which you will get unless you spend lots of money). So I doubt the answer would have much practical value for you.
If you just want to know what´s good in theory, well go on: Give us a specific case and we can all build our dream teams
The question is for everyone, what do you like…the BEST for the BEST IS not the question, the question is your opinión, your sensation, your heart or your mind
Well if that is what you want to know you might want to change the topic to favorite heroes in each color.
Mine right now is Waddles