We are a training and support focused alliance. If you are active and looking to learn together- we want you! Lots of strategies and jokes shared - we want this to be fun.
Which hero looks the most like Michael Jackson to you? Do you see Melania Trump when you look at Lu Xiu?
Players range from 40s down.
We’ve got members from all over the globe, but mostly US.
Hitting level 7- 8 titans.
War opt in optional- we ask that you participate if opted in. Our team has done really well with flag use and collaboration.
Real life happens- let us know up front if you’re away.
Minimum 1000 cups, ideally looking for around 1800-2000
Families/couples also welcome. You can drag them out of bed for the titan kill shot.
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend! . We have 3 slots open. Feel free to message here or on Line app for any questions. My handle is echointhedeep.
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I’ve been a few clans and this is by far the best one. I will be here forever
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We love having you!
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Hello all,
We have 3 spots open for new members. We’re coming off back to back wins, looking set to win this one too. Today we got our first 9 star titan. Come grow with us!
Hi, would it be possible to join your clan?
Please join! We’d love to have you. I’ll reach out on Line too.
Closed at request of OP, via PM